Round and Round and Round I Go...

Dec 08, 2009 16:14

That's about how I've felt these past few days. WHEW! We've been trying to get things ready for Christmas for one thing ( Read more... )

family, beatles, friends, writing, bttf, plans for the future

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Comments 1

jessm78 December 9 2009, 20:48:51 UTC
Oh Jen hon, I really hope that your mom starts to get better. I've been keeping her in my prayers! I really admire your attitude, though. It's so important to stay positive about things! No worries on the story, I know you've had a lot on your plate. Whenever you can get to it is fine with me. You know I've been really enjoying it. :)

Thanks for the congrats, hon. I'm really happy and I appreciate your support so much! I'll be sending you a Christmas card soon, I've been so behind on that this year.



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