Round and Round and Round I Go...

Dec 08, 2009 16:14

That's about how I've felt these past few days. WHEW! We've been trying to get things ready for Christmas for one thing.

Mom just finished her second round of the new chemo, and we found out her tumor markers went WAY high up, nobody knows why yet. Hopefully they've come down since she's started the medicine, hopefully they come WAY down. There's a possibility she may have to have radiation too. Anything that will help..PLEASE let it help, you know?

Oh! I was on the radio! There's a local(meaning Knoxville) station here that plays eighties music on Fridays, and they take requests. I called in for the Huey Lewis song from Back to the Future, and they recorded me! After they played the song, they have an ad for the station where it has clips from the first BTTF in it. So it all fit. :)

I know I don't post on here as often as I should, but I'm going to remedy that. I think 2010 is going to be a great year for everybody here, and everybody everywhere. Gotta have hope you know? I do, in all things, and I try to keep it even when I'm down in the dumps.

Jessie, in case I haven't told you, congrats on Steve, he sounds like a keeper. I'm sorry for not sending you the rest of that fic yet, but I'll get it wrapped up here REAL soon.

MK- Congrats on Nano. That's terrific:)

I'll do better on posting on everyone's LJs, even if it's just a :) you'll hear back from me in some fashion.

Raven, you've got a LJmail message from me, hopefully it went through.

Other than real life stuff, I've been writing. I've got a Beatles four-story saga going, that of yours Jess, plus a BTTF fic I'm working on. It's funny switching the mindset, going from two twentysomething English girls as the OFCs, to a fourteen year old American, when you're a thirtysomething like me. WEIRD. But fun. Especially an adventure when you're trying to avoid the Mary Sues.

Overall, I think things will be alright in the end. I really do. Hope things go great for you guys out there too.

I'm on Twitter if anyone wants to add me, the name's the same as you see here. Why change something that you know works, right? LOL. But anyone's welcome. Same as on here. The more friends, the better :)

Many thanks to caitcupcake for my Marty icon.

family, beatles, friends, writing, bttf, plans for the future

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