
May 14, 2010 13:21

Otherwise known as: gimme a prompt, and I will write you a short story of no less than 200 words. It's a house-(comm-?)warming thing, for xrysomou's and my new fic comm! I'n't it shiny?! I can probably manage about fifteen or so, in any of the following fandoms ( Read more... )

genre: au, genre: drama, rating: nc-17, fic length: drabble, rating: r, genre: character study, warning: dub-con, fanfiction, rating: g, !author: xaritomene, genre: humour, rating: pg, warning: character death, genre: fluff

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Comments 107

demon_sloth May 14 2010, 12:41:49 UTC
Hallo thar! I would've commented anyway but can I just say 'Yay! Free stuff!'

Despite you offering I still feel a little guilty about asking for a drabble - almost like I'm just commenting for it but...um, could you write an Alex/Eagle fic? Pleeeeease? :D


xaritomene May 14 2010, 12:54:47 UTC
Oh HAI! :D

Don't feel guilty! I asked for it, after all. :D Alex/Eagle, as in slash? On it, number 2! *g*


demon_sloth May 14 2010, 12:58:02 UTC
Muahahaha! Yaaaas >:D Do you know how long I've waited to see good Alex/Eagle slash? FOREVER. That's how long. And anything you write is brilliant so the wait is over!


Fic: Afterglow: Alex Rider, Alex/Eagle, 355 words xaritomene May 14 2010, 13:27:24 UTC
If Alex had planned this - well, the point was that he hadn’t, and that was that. He’d been hanging out with Fox - Ben, now, not Fox anymore - regrouping after a long, tough assignment, and he hadn’t been expecting Eagle to pop round the way he did. There’d been Chinese food and a football match and beer, and they’d left at the same time. Alex had taken the Tube home and given into a moment’s inclination, inviting Eagle to his for coffee, maybe another beer.

Alex was young, he hadn’t had sex for a long time, and he was reaffirming how goddamn good it felt to be alive - and Eagle was right there. It didn’t exactly take a genius to put two and two together.

He could feel his fingernails scraping over Eagle’s back, legs wrapped around the older man’s waist as Eagle fucked him, hands hot and too-tight at his hips, perfect. A particularly hard thrust pulled a groan out of him, and he arched up against Eagle, his nails digging into the thick muscle of his shoulder, eyes tight-shut as he concentrated on just feeling, not overly-bothered ( ... )


binni May 14 2010, 13:33:27 UTC
I tried one of these once.... No one really commented.... |Da

butum. if you're up to it, would you mind a quick webgott drabble? ;;


xaritomene May 14 2010, 13:38:26 UTC
*HUGS* I was terrified no one was going to comment here! So thank you thank you thank you for doing so! :D

Webgott? I most certainly can! What sort of time would you like it set?


binni May 14 2010, 13:40:21 UTC
/cling!! Aww, I bet a lot of people will! (For example, I'm at work, but I've nothing to do, so it all works out.)

asdkfj UM. Canon, I suppose? I just love that time era in general--unf.


xaritomene May 14 2010, 13:43:02 UTC
*laughs* Aaaah, not working. It's something I'm so very, very good at. ¬_¬

uh-huh, gotcha! And around what kind of episode, or don't you mind? I mean, pre- or post-Bastogne, pre-Why We Fight, etc...?


whocares19_05 May 14 2010, 13:57:05 UTC
Oooooh YAAAY \O/

I ♥ these. And I was thinking of doing one myself, because obviously I've got all of summer of. But yeah, we'll see.

Umm, that post-second-exam drabble you were talking about?
I mean, you know, I am going to pick Ty/Nick.
Can it be a they're young, they hang out in Stillwater, they fall in love thing?


Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words xaritomene May 15 2010, 01:09:06 UTC
The entire summer had been unbearably hot and sticky, and by August, all Nick and Tyson wanted to do was lie down and pray for it to be over as quickly as possible.

Tyson wanted the heat wave to be over, at any rate - the end of the summer would mean Nick leaving, and he wasn’t sure he was quite ready to deal with that thought. Fast track or not, he still had a year left in high school - and everyone knew what happened when people went off to college. Girls and alcohol and parties and fun shit that Tyson couldn’t even begin to compete with. A band and a besotted high school senior couldn’t even begin to measure up to all of that.

He rolled over and glanced at Nick, lying next to him in Tyson’s mom’s back yard, splayed out and relaxed in the almost-bearable late-afternoon sun. Tyson stared for a couple of seconds, thoughts full of Nick and stupid hero-worship crushes that refused to die after years... until Nick’s eyes opened and he grinned.

“If you draw shit on my face again, Ty, I will end you ( ... )


Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words (Part II) xaritomene May 15 2010, 01:10:13 UTC
The air was almost soupy with heat, a haze rising off the blacktop, when they actually finally did kiss, and the kiss itself was kind of rubbish. They were sticky and hot, silly with too much sugar, and Tyson gathered his courage for a quick kiss, fully prepared to laugh it off if it went wrong.

It went horribly, horribly wrong, all but missing Nick’s mouth entirely, and Nick looked entirely poleaxed by the whole thing, which - well, Tyson was pretty sure that wasn’t a good reaction. He laughed awkwardly and Nick opened his mouth and Tyson braced himself and then Nick said... “what took you so goddamn long?”

And Tyson really did laugh, leaning forward for another kiss, a proper one, promptly forgetting all of the reasons why this had been a bad idea. Kissing Nick clearly outweighed all other reasons, clearlyNick seemed to agree, his hand too-hot and proprietary on the back of Tyson’s neck, the other on Tyson’s cheek, and Tyson was pretty sure he’d be happy to stay in this moment forever and ever, tasting the grape popsicle Nick had ( ... )


Re: Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words (Part II) jazmin22 May 15 2010, 03:13:22 UTC
Awwww! That was adorable and I believe the technical term is schmoopsie! Though I am not sure if that's the correct spelling... Loved it.


lullula May 14 2010, 13:57:10 UTC
What, free fic? I can totes deal with that.

Uh... Travis/William/Gabe. Theys just so gorgeous *_*

*throws confetti in the air* Yay for new comm!


xrysomou May 14 2010, 22:34:50 UTC
Seconded like hell yeah!

I'm not entirely sure whether I'm meant to take part in this promotion.

OH WELL. I'll just sit back and enjoy the fic until Xari puts a boot up my ass and tells me to get going.


xaritomene May 15 2010, 01:16:43 UTC
*laughs* Mmm, I figured it was the best way to luuuuuure people in! *grin* I am writing milady's fic as we speak! er, type.

*dances in the confetti*


xrysomou May 15 2010, 23:42:33 UTC
Confetti. *sneezes*


jazmin22 May 14 2010, 16:20:45 UTC
QUESTION: Am I allowed to comment here with a new prompt separate prompt, which would lead to me getting this drabble & my prize, or not?

If NO, carry on and ignore the rest of this post...

If YES, AAR/MCR(which I didn't know you wrote!) specifically Mike/Mikey. -_- YES, IF YOUR BAND HAS A GUY NAMED MICHAEL IN IT, HE'S MY FAVORITE.


xaritomene May 15 2010, 01:18:08 UTC
*g* I am a wimp, and your prize for your sheer, unabashed awesomeness is the Doctor Who crossover, of which I have a rather pathetic very respectable 200 words. *grin* And yes, you definitely can have an AAR/MCR crossover with Mike/Mikey! (DUDE, TAI... MUST CONFUSE YOU SO MUCH. *beeeams*)

ha, Mike and Mikey. Mikey is CONFUUUUSED by Mike. He's so happy! All the time! It... does not compute. *grin*


jazmin22 May 15 2010, 02:10:45 UTC
YAY to all of this. I am excited about both of these! (HAHAHA TAI is...well, I like them, don't get me wrong. But perhaps not enough that I have a TAI favorite? But if I did it would probably be the Mikes by default. Anywho, they are not that confusing. Yes Michael and Mike are both guitarists, but Michael is taller and blonder...I think....please don't let them switch it up on me. I am, in fact, really bad at bandoms; the only ones I can keep straight track of all the time with no google/wiki-assistance at all are AAR and MCR.)

Mikey is CONFUUUUSED by Mike. He's so happy! All the time! It... does not compute.

:D Assuming that's your prompt/plot-like-starting-off-point-thing, glad you worked that out because I really only gave you a ship and not a really prompt; sorry, I suck like that.


Fic: Ships in the Night: Bandom - MCR/AAR, Mikeyway/Mike Kennerty, 752 words xaritomene May 15 2010, 02:11:42 UTC
Warped Tour ’05, later aptly named the ‘Summer of Like’ by Fall Out Boy, and Mikey was sick and goddamn tired of it all.

He was sick of his band, of Pete, of shows night after night after night, even of his brother, and he needed - dammit, he just needed some time. And when someone thumped down next to him in his nice, shady, private little corner, he was willing to throw a proper hissy-fit unless they went awayHe stared blankly at them in the way that usually just creeped people out, and Mike Kennerty grinned back, insouciant ( ... )


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