
May 14, 2010 13:21

Otherwise known as: gimme a prompt, and I will write you a short story of no less than 200 words. It's a house-(comm-?)warming thing, for xrysomou's and my new fic comm! I'n't it shiny?! I can probably manage about fifteen or so, in any of the following fandoms ( Read more... )

genre: au, genre: drama, rating: nc-17, fic length: drabble, rating: r, genre: character study, warning: dub-con, fanfiction, rating: g, !author: xaritomene, genre: humour, rating: pg, warning: character death, genre: fluff

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Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words xaritomene May 15 2010, 01:09:06 UTC
The entire summer had been unbearably hot and sticky, and by August, all Nick and Tyson wanted to do was lie down and pray for it to be over as quickly as possible.

Tyson wanted the heat wave to be over, at any rate - the end of the summer would mean Nick leaving, and he wasn’t sure he was quite ready to deal with that thought. Fast track or not, he still had a year left in high school - and everyone knew what happened when people went off to college. Girls and alcohol and parties and fun shit that Tyson couldn’t even begin to compete with. A band and a besotted high school senior couldn’t even begin to measure up to all of that.

He rolled over and glanced at Nick, lying next to him in Tyson’s mom’s back yard, splayed out and relaxed in the almost-bearable late-afternoon sun. Tyson stared for a couple of seconds, thoughts full of Nick and stupid hero-worship crushes that refused to die after years... until Nick’s eyes opened and he grinned.

“If you draw shit on my face again, Ty, I will end you.”

“Promises, promises,” Tyson sing-songed and Nick huffed a laugh, too tired and hot to do anything else. Abruptly Tyson pushed himself upright. “I’m gonna go and grab a popsicle, you want one?”

“Got any fudge ones?”

“I’ll see what I can find,” Tyson promised and headed in, buying himself some time away from Nick to get a freaking hold of himself.


August continued on just as damn hot as ever, until even the shade was near-unbearable, and Tyson couldn’t get thoughts of Nick out of his head. He should have made this move way back, he though miserably, when they could have enjoyed it if Nick didn’t punch him, or fixed things if he did. As it was, he played the supportive best friend, helped Nick pick out shit to take to college with him, helped him pick Majors and minors, let him talk about it until he thought he’d be sick if he heard any more about the dorms and fresher’s week and welcome packs.

And he was so caught up in not getting caught glancing at Nick that he never saw the glances he was getting off Nick.


If there was one thing Nick was good at it was - well, it was playing guitar. But if there were two things he was good at, it was being Tyson’s best friend, and if he wanted more than that, well... he was pretty good at hiding that, too. College was a step on the road, security against the band failing, and he could keep his hands (and his eyes, mostly) to himself in the meantime.

No matter how hard it sometimes was.

Nick had been all about Tyson since he was fifteen, and he was kind of ridiculously besotted with him. It was just the way things were, but there were still times, even after crushing on him for so damn long, times when he was talking the guy’s ear off about stupid college stuff, babbling so he didn’t say anything infinitely more embarrassing, when he thought he’d implode if he didn’t actually kiss him.

Whatever. They had a band together, they were going to make it big, and kisses were incidental to that. Even kisses with Tyson. Nick was a teenager, he was reckless and hormonal and stuff. He’d get over it, and be glad that he’d never ruined their friendship and their future for a little teenage crush.

He would.

He would.



Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words (Part II) xaritomene May 15 2010, 01:10:13 UTC
The air was almost soupy with heat, a haze rising off the blacktop, when they actually finally did kiss, and the kiss itself was kind of rubbish. They were sticky and hot, silly with too much sugar, and Tyson gathered his courage for a quick kiss, fully prepared to laugh it off if it went wrong.

It went horribly, horribly wrong, all but missing Nick’s mouth entirely, and Nick looked entirely poleaxed by the whole thing, which - well, Tyson was pretty sure that wasn’t a good reaction. He laughed awkwardly and Nick opened his mouth and Tyson braced himself and then Nick said... “what took you so goddamn long?”

And Tyson really did laugh, leaning forward for another kiss, a proper one, promptly forgetting all of the reasons why this had been a bad idea. Kissing Nick clearly outweighed all other reasons, clearly.

Nick seemed to agree, his hand too-hot and proprietary on the back of Tyson’s neck, the other on Tyson’s cheek, and Tyson was pretty sure he’d be happy to stay in this moment forever and ever, tasting the grape popsicle Nick had just eaten, the taste of it still on his tongue, basking for a moment in the sheer awesomeness of it all.

The summer had been unbearably hot and sticky, but as it segued into autumn and Nick headed off for college for real, leaving Tyson and their band behind for the moment, Tyson was still pretty glad of it. Summer of love, indeed.


Longest 'drabble' yet, but this one feels like it should have been a longer fic, and I'm not sure you didn't get cheated out of a proper story. Still. Fic! \0/ *g* And congrats on your second exam being done, done, done! :DD


Re: Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words (Part II) jazmin22 May 15 2010, 03:13:22 UTC
Awwww! That was adorable and I believe the technical term is schmoopsie! Though I am not sure if that's the correct spelling... Loved it.


Re: Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words (Part II) xaritomene May 22 2010, 17:08:34 UTC
That's me - bringing the schmoop ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. *g*


Re: Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words (Part II) whocares19_05 May 15 2010, 13:36:51 UTC
So this, this is amazing. This is exactly what I had in mind when I asked for it. I ♥ you. I say that a lot lately, I knoooow. But I mean it. XD

I love how it's a hero-worship crush for Tyson. And that he looks up to Nick.
It's just so cute and adorable and awwww. kjshkjgbfd. I love it so much.
And sometimes a sweet little drabble is even better than a full-length story. Though there are certain advantages to a full-length story aswell and I'd never say no to one. XD
Anyway, I'm rambling.
Thank you so much. =D

Also I am amazingly proud that it's the longest drabble. HEEE. =D


Re: Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words (Part II) xaritomene May 22 2010, 17:09:34 UTC
\0/ YAY! Darling, thank you, I'm absolutely delighted that it worked for you. :DDD

And yay, now I don't have to feel bad about not turning into a full length fic! /self-serving.

*grin* Apparently, my AAR-obsession is such that I can't write short stuff about them. *sigh*, I say. *sigh*


Re: Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words (Part II) xrysomou June 2 2010, 15:42:38 UTC
Ahhh, this makes me feel better (I speak to you from my Bed Of Pain. No, seriously, I had a temperature of 102 today. I Am Sick)..

I love it! It's so summery and teenagery and all-in-all, I heartily endorse this product!


Re: Fic: Feelin' Good: Bandom - AAR, Nick/Tyson, 833 words (Part II) xaritomene June 6 2010, 19:00:45 UTC
\0/ Yay for summery light-heartedness in fics! \0\ /0/ \0/


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