Gabapentin can be a not so fun thing to get use to taking. You might need to have your doc adjust your dose my doc had be on 20 mg 3 times a day when I first started taking the stuff. Turns out I only needed one 20 mg pill a day( that I took right before bed). I was on it for nerve pain. Also I don't know if you notice but it can dampen your pain receptors a lot so you need to keep an eye on things when you fall or hurt yourself. It also made it hard for me to notice when things where to hot or cold to the touch( the hot, cold thing might be more tied into my nerve pain issue). It took me about a month to feel normal again but then the stuff worked great. I also had less problems with the meds causing me memory issues. I hope the new meds help. For tension head aches I find generic Tylenol works the best. I also really like the generic Excedrin tension headache but that has caffeine in it which I know does not work for you.
Well, thankfully each symptom's only lasted a couple days each, except the exhaustion. I'm on it for migraines AND nerve pain. Nothing's been dampened yet... I fell and really hurt my knee, and every time I kneel I feel it :-P. Ugg. I seem to be doing better. I'd been on tylanol and ibuprofen, neither is helping now. Hence trying naproxin next. I'm allergic to aspirin and caffeine knocks me out, so I try to stick to what I've tried before, heh.
Naproxen is OTC over there? It's POM here... Otherwise it's being used here over diclofenac these days. have you tried syndol at all? Although reading the other comment it does have caffeine in... /pharmacy worker VOE
Yes, it is. I'm not familiar with diclofenac or syndol, heh. Yeah, caffeine makes me really tired, and more than like 1 cup of coffee worth (about 60mg) makes me really nauseated. I am allergic to aspirin and relafin, but I'm fine with naproxin, ibuprofen and tylanol...
So sorry to hear about your accident, but I am glad that you and Devin are okay.
I hope that you find something that helps relieve your migraines. I suffered from daily migraines a few years ago. I tried everything without success. Eventually, it turned out that stress was causing the migraines and I recovered after I left my very stressful job.
Comments 7
I hope that you find something that helps relieve your migraines. I suffered from daily migraines a few years ago. I tried everything without success. Eventually, it turned out that stress was causing the migraines and I recovered after I left my very stressful job.
Thank. I do have stress based headaches also... which car accidents increase. Heh.
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