I've been walking to write, cause a lot has been going on.
August 2nd we ripped Devin's room APART. We took EVERY toy she has out of her room into the living room, cleaned her room, set up her EXIDIT and weeded out stuff while putting it all away. Her room is FABULOUS, and I'm completely happy with it. I finished it Sat, and got to go out to see The Dark Knight Rises, which I am pretty much in love with. Selina? Mrrrow!! I am easily satisfied, but my inner fangirl squeed a few times. :D
Tuesday I got into a car accident. I was trying to turn right on Milwaukee from the farmer's market, guy had his turn signal on, so I went, but he wasn't turning, so he ran into me. My car is drivable, but my door won't latch, so it's tied shut and I'm entering and exiting via the passenger door. Dev and I are fine, I must go to court. Yay. So I'm freaking out a little, and need to enter financial lockdown. Which makes me stress out and want to do the opposite. I'm working on it. So far no major damage done.
I had my neuro consult set for Tues, and I was kinda like... I can't really skip this, I kinda NEED to go, so Lee watched Dev and I did. Doc agreed I have migraines and tension headaches. He said we could MRI, but it was pretty textbook, plus me freaking out after the accident, so we're holding off and trying meds for now. I'm on gabapentin now, and have generic imitrex for any migraines that happen. He said unfortunately the best thing for tension headaches is OTC, so I'm trying naproxen for now. I need to start B2 and magnesium as well.
Wed I had to go take my car in for assessment, but otherwise we hid at home. Which was good, cause apparently I get gabapentin side effects o_O. Exhaustion, disorientation, I felt like I was floating (feeling "drugged", cause I, you know, was...), major uncoordination for 2 days. I started it Tues night... and picked up a shift Thurs months ago. o_O It was BAD, I could not think straight to save my life, so of course I had 5 patients, high maintenance owners, et al. Grr. But we survived. Fri was bad but not AS bad. I did lose balance at one point and fell RIGHT on my knees. Dustin said I looked drunk when I fell *sigh*. My left knee is ok, but my right one still hurts. Prolly bruised my patella :(. Ah well.
Sat we pretty much chilled at home, doing laundry and a Target run and not too much else productive. Still uncoordinated Sunday. Felt better Monday, first time since Tues that I'd felt any kind of normal. But I did notice recall issues. They only got worse as the night wore on, and Lee looked up Gab side effects. Memory loss and lack of concentration are both listed. *sigh* I already have a poor memory and bad recall, but this was SO much worse. That seems a little better today, I think. So it'll be interesting to see how things continue to develop. :P
Today (Tues) was chill. Dev didn't wanna go out, and you didn't have to ask me twice. I had to find some silly knowledge (the
Broken Heel horror trope) which took some time, and spend the day comparison shopping on Amazon for stands and keyboards and LAP stands and screen protectors for my tablet :D. It's fun to fill a shopping cart, then empty it again. I DO need those vitamins, so I might get the REALLY cheap stand and screen covers for now. Tomorrow (today?) when I get paid, hehe. Not too much else constructive today, other than good Devin time, reading and whatnot. I'll be in Schaumburg tomorrow for belly dance, so we'll do something fun and cheap, like Legoland or Woodfield play area I think. I'll read <3. I'll enjoy Thurs off, then back to the grind.
I'm currently watching such things as Supernatural, Warehouse 13, The Guild and Martha Speaks ;).
*sigh* OK, I need to rest more. Off to game on my tablet or something <3. And tea, glorious Zingiber Ginger Coconut tea. More as it happens, my friends.