☩There is a harmony in autumn, and a lustre in its sky☩

Sep 23, 2010 15:12

First and foremost, this is a party.  It may be celebrating the end of summer, and the opening of a business, but it's a party, with all and sundry invited.  There is food, wine, music, and, hopefully, something to keep everyone entertained.

Yes, it is a mixture of what the hostess has always known -- there are sheaves of corn used in decoration -- ( Read more... )

*rvb, *shutter island, *bsg, *justified, *madmen, *marvel, *eddings, *don bluth, *buffyverse, *potterverse, *losers, *lord peter, *glee, } wayfaring mare, *fullmetal alchemist, *lost, *arthuriana, *oc, *keen eddie, *kings, *maou, *boston legal

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Comments 1868

The Hostess magicalskeptic September 23 2010, 19:26:54 UTC
The hostess might be particularly difficult to find during the event.  Should one see a blur of gold (it's a new gown, more her style, but with a little Deiran, and a little modern infused into it) it's probably the hostess off to check on something. Her dress is the focal point, thus her accessories are few, save a gold band bracelet, and a long chain with something she still carries, tucked into the neck of her gown.

She is both excited, and though she will not admit to it, anxious for everything to run smoothly.  Fortunately, she has Iola to assist, and Morgana is going to do her best to convince the girl's mother to allow her to stay as long as possible.

Throughout the evening, people might find the hostess:
  • Hopefully not neglecting her escort.
  • Playing with baby Elisheba Shepherd, who has been brought down to say hello to her guard Melou, before Morgana kidnapped her for some well-deserved spoiling.  Putting a baby in the vicinity of Morgana is like Penny bringing Angus -- Morgana will believe such a thing is done, just so she ( ... )


sonofpellinore September 23 2010, 23:53:43 UTC
As for the hostess' escort, he mainly hovers near her, bringing her refreshments and occasionally demanding she take time off to actually enjoy the party. He's dressed simply but well, in a dark burgundy tunic with a little gold trim.

The fact she's so evidently having a good (if hectic) time rubs off, and he smiles easily.


magicalskeptic September 24 2010, 01:13:40 UTC
"I must make amends," Morgana's also smiling easily, as nothing's gone wrong thus far. There's yet to be a challenge issued, or an incident where someone might embarrass themselves, where she's from, this would be considered a minor miracle.

"You kindly ask to escort me and yet I have been so busy this evening, that I fear you way regret doing so." It has been a while, a very long while since Morgana's flirted this way, but her skills aren't that rusty. "Therefore, I think you should insist I pay attention to you for a while."


sonofpellinore September 24 2010, 01:18:20 UTC
"I will indulge you, then, by insisting. But first, may I say you should be terribly proud of how everything's coming off. Parties this nice usually involve weeks of Kay scowling, in my experience."

He offers his arm. "But I would be glad to have a glass of wine with you, and perhaps a dance or two, if you can spare the attention?"

Lamorak, it must be said, can be quite charming when he wants.


mayaflowered September 23 2010, 20:20:55 UTC

June arrives early and shucks her coat almost as soon as possible - she's excited to see what a Xanadu party will be like (not as wild, she's certain, as the ones she's used to, but she can play like a sane person for a while, and also, maybe it'd be nice to go to a get-together where no one shotguns a beer). She comes into the ballroom with her heels clicking, looking around with wide eyes - she's pretty sure dress code dictated cocktail, but given the odd play of eras in Nexus, she won't be surprised to see a few ballgowns, which are pretty, but way too hard to dance in. So her dress is short, sleek, and strapless, designed to show off all her tattoos; with her hair just slightly teased and her impish little smile, she looks like she took half her sartorial inspiration from Brigitte Bardot, and the rest from whatever store had the most subtle but definitely present body glitter.

She does intend to find a dance partner at some point, and whoever she corrals into it will probably end up with a little glitter on them. That's just ( ... )


keepsyourunning September 24 2010, 02:40:46 UTC
It's an accident that Jim bumps into her, but then he is trying to manoeuvre about this very crowded area with his drug-store cane, so maybe that can service as an excuse.

"Pardon me, ma'am."


mayaflowered September 24 2010, 03:27:50 UTC

She doesn't mind - she's surprised, for a moment, because usually she feels other people around her before anything can happen, but then she lights up with a sunny smile. "Oh, it's all right - actually, I was just thinkin' I ought to go up and bother somebody, and this expedites the process."

She puts out her hand.

"June. Hi."


keepsyourunning September 24 2010, 03:29:23 UTC
"Jim. Nice to meet you." His hand is shaking.


dangleangle September 23 2010, 21:19:22 UTC
Jensen arrives to the party as soon as he can. Who cares about being fashionably late? He's usually not one for fashion anyway. Tonight he is conscious of fashion in the clothes department, opting for a suit ensemble but neglecting the jacket. He's also giving contacts a try but he's not sure if he likes them and the hassle they bring.

In his front vest pocket is his guest: a tiny shell named Marcel wearing shiny black shoes. Jensen takes a look around the room before addressing his friend. "Well, little guy, it looks like we are the party so far. How do you feel about finger food?"


aimed_sorted September 24 2010, 00:02:23 UTC
They may or may not be shocked to discover Garrison, in the corner with a drink, people-watching with a vengeance.

Despite the fact he looks more or less exactly like he does at the office (well, except that he's dressed a bit more stylishly), he is having a good time. Jensen and Marcel would be forgiven for not being able to tell the difference.


dangleangle September 24 2010, 04:19:18 UTC
As soon as Jensen spots someone he knows he raises his arms high over his head. "Garrison! What up?" Yeah, sorry if you wanted to stay a wallflower, Garrison. Jensen isn't letting that happen and he makes a beeline for the older man.


aimed_sorted September 24 2010, 04:26:08 UTC
Maybe he smiled a little? Maybe. Or maybe this is Garrison's happy face, who knows.

"Good evening, Jensen," he says, mildly. "Quite the gathering, isn't it?"

Because he's not attending the party, he's studying it, apparently.


newmythology September 23 2010, 23:06:41 UTC

Candice's dress is not quite a gown, but it is long, and it does cover most of her- except for in pockets, at the shoulder and at a slit in the skirt. She doesn't feel the need to show off, especially since she's accompanying her husband, whose tastes tend to be interesting. Speaking of: they make quite a pair, as she is small and in purple, and he's very tall and very white-haired. She leans in to speak to him, noting the open bar with some amusement.

It's not likely she'll make good use of it, but it's there.


errantknights September 23 2010, 23:20:40 UTC

Tall, white-haired and rolling with his wife's modern aesthetic by wearing a suit; Martel's waistcoat is not purple (he's somewhat severe, all black down to his shirt), but he'd been sorely tempted.

As curious as he is about this place and the peculiar young woman behind it all, he is, as ever, more immediately interested in whatever Candice has to say as a general rule. (The gown - to be most precise the split in the gown - she's wearing could be said to be a factor in his attentiveness, if it weren't true that he'd be just as bad if she were wearing a sack.)

"It'll certainly make the evening interesting."


newmythology September 24 2010, 00:09:01 UTC

"Let's not pretend, we came here half just to watch people entertain us." She gives Martel a little nudge, looking up at him - the height disparity isn't as big as it usually is, as she's in heels, for the occasion.

"I may be tempted to dance later, however."


errantknights September 24 2010, 00:32:33 UTC

"'Half'." Martel. He rests his hand against her hip (the one he's generally attached to her at, if you will), only slightly entertained by the novelty of her high heels. "Cheap entertainment aside, I could be tempted to dance with you."

...very easily, it's not as though he doesn't like to dance.


ouroborosdance September 23 2010, 23:51:57 UTC

Hasibe loves parties - of any flavor, be they the debauched sort with people openly rolling around the ballroom, or the type where things are more buttoned-up and discreet. Like this. She's dressed, is her fashion, to kill, but leaves the red fur-edged coat with the appropriate individuals.

"What do you think?" She inquires of her gentleman companion, performing a little twirl right there for his appraisal. (And that of anyone else who happens to be nearby--but that's incidental, even if she doesn't mind.)


toooldforlosing September 23 2010, 23:59:10 UTC
"I'm still not sure how you talked me into this," he says, which is mostly a lie. He'd not been too hard to convince when he'd seen how much she was determined to bring him. "But you look fantastic."

He is wearing a suit jacket that matches his pants, but not a tie. The hat, though, that he doesn't leave home without.


ouroborosdance September 24 2010, 00:06:21 UTC

"You look pretty good yourself," she notes, thoughtfully, swinging over to flirt at him in a lower voice, which is good, because Hasi says things like this: "But maybe it wasn't the talking that persuaded you."

She grins, fairly glowing- this is her element, and it shows. One of them. One of the legal ones, anyway.

"Should we get a drink?"


toooldforlosing September 24 2010, 00:11:14 UTC
"I think that's a very reasonable suggestion." He can't help but grin a little, seeing her so pleased with herself and the atmosphere. "Especially if you have any expectation of dancing later on."


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