Title: High Places
Pairing: QMi
Genre: Romance, Fluff, bits of angst
Word Count: 1,117
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine, nothing else.
Summary: To escape from the suffering and suffocation, Kyuhyun enjoys going to high places, because it puts his mind at rest.
A/N: Finally, I decide to write something. Anyways, first Super Junior fic, so hope y'all
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Comments 16
"I accept your kiss, Kui Xian." Kyuhyun snaps his head behind him, watching a smiling Zhou Mi bring his hand towards his mouth.
I adored this part~
Wahhh, thanks so much for reading, I'm glad you like it. :3
ohhhhhhh that's so sweet and cutieeeeeeeee
i really love it : )))
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