
Feb 07, 2011 06:32

Who: Ace, OPEN
What: Sometimes we have no choice in what we are or who we become. This is the fate chosen out for our life, and so it shall be till the day we die.
Where: Ace's Castle; somewhere in the vicinity of Centennial Park
When: Early evening
Rating: PG-13

Notes: The castle staircase is lowered; curious minds come on in

If I cry now, I won't be able to breathe; Someone is crying out from the reflection in the mirror and I realize, I'm not supposed to be like this. )

godzilla, scarlet witch, ace of clubs, persephone, salyna drake

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Comments 75

fastestboyalive February 7 2011, 18:34:34 UTC
He whistled a bit as he walked over the bridge. "Wow, so this is where we hid the castle..." Looking over the the edge into the shallow waters that was quite a long way down. "Thats a long free fall.." He said before looking around. "As fun as that looks...." Stepping into the castle obviously he had been through this part of town several times. Not once has he ever ran into a castle. He didn't bother rushing into it though just casually walking taking in the environment. Those booted feet was soon heard upon the grass as he pulled up those goggles upon his forehead.

"I wish I had me one of these..." Crossing arms across the flash symbol upon his chest. Penthouses, secret lairs, castles why was he the one stuck with the cheap apartment. One hand would lift up and start munching on that apple.
"So if this is the castle where is the Royal family..." He said soon spotting her. "Mario I guess you found the princess in this castle.." He said talking to himself though she looked as if she was in thought.


makeyoucrazy February 7 2011, 21:49:20 UTC
Ace seemed hardly concerned by the stranger who so nonchalantly made his way up the staircase and into her courtyard. Leaving her front door practically wide open tended to invite in a curious guest or two. This time it didn't seem any different. But while she didn't seem the least bit bothered by his presence (her attention still focused on the doll she was holding), the eyes of the statues placed sporadically throughout the garden watched him closely.

"...you could at least knock." She finally replied, though not looking at him directly. "It's rude if you don't..."


fastestboyalive February 8 2011, 00:12:21 UTC
"Oh yes right, sorry 'bout that.." He said rushing back to the entrance and knocking back upon the door. Rocking back and forth on those feet of his at the entrance of the door. Even though the door had been wide open. He would rest those arms behind the small of his back and would rock back and forth upon his feet. Waiting to be addressed by the young dark-haired female. ~


makeyoucrazy February 8 2011, 02:17:03 UTC
Though her expression remained relatively emotionless, she was surprised to see he actually did as she had said. She moved the doll from her lap and onto the floor; propping her somewhat over-sized head against the base of a support beam so she wouldn't fall over.

"You can come in." She said, moving from a kneeling position on the hardwood floor of the gazebo, to taking her familiar seat upon her swing set.


totwistandturn February 7 2011, 22:39:24 UTC
The castle that stood near her home in Centennial Park had always been a curiosity; Persephone had tried to investigate, but failed, finding paths blocked or with ominous statues in the way that had left shivers down her spine.

It was really only by chance that she had passed by now, her book of old fairy tales tucked beneath her arm. The staircase was down and the door was open. Odd. In all her time seeing it...

This was an opportunity that the goddess couldn't pass up. Creeping her way up the stairs, moving nimbly, she entered into the castle, peering around. The courtyard, of course, caught her eyes first and that's where Persephone headed, making her way quietly to the center.

The last thing she expected to find was another teenaged girl. Maybe some powerful figure, a king or queen, ready to rule over Metropolis, but no. Just the girl and her doll.

Persephone cleared her throat lightly, extracting herself from some nearby foliage that had gotten clingy in her attempts at stealth. "Ah... I am sorry to intrude, I could not help


makeyoucrazy February 8 2011, 02:29:46 UTC
"You wouldn't be the first."

There had been several 'visitors' who had stopped by out of curiosity before her. All of them drawn in by the sheer mystery of a castle that had taken no longer then one night's sleep to build. They'd stay, wandering around the courtyard in awe, amazed that no matter what the weather was outside, the sky above the this vast garden always remained clear, blue and sunny.

A striking contrast to the dark-themed statues of angels scattered about outside and inside the castle walls. Though they appeared to be made of nothing more but stone and granite, many would attest that when they standing in their presence, the eyes of these 'lifeless' statues were watching them.


totwistandturn February 8 2011, 03:21:58 UTC
Persephone couldn't help but glance in the direction of the statues from time to time. They really did feel alive, as if they were watching and she made it a point not to look at them directly.

"Mm," she hummed. "I had tried before but I had found my way barred. Are you ruler here?"


makeyoucrazy February 8 2011, 07:48:11 UTC

There was a long pause from the former Royal Flush Gang member as she gently stroked the yarn-made hair of the doll she held onto so tightly. It was the first time any of her visitor's had called her such a thing, and it took her a moment to come up with some sort of answer.

"...I'm not a ruler. Just a creator..." A truthful enough explanation, Ace thought. To be a ruler you need someone to rule over. And all she had were statues and a doll.


eighteensouls February 8 2011, 05:09:54 UTC
Simon had never seen a castle ( ... )


makeyoucrazy February 8 2011, 08:03:09 UTC
Like all the others that had come before him, Ace had felt his presence drawing near long before he ever stepped into her line of sight. There was no exclamation of shock or surprise, not even a verbal greeting of 'hello' or 'welcome'. Just a simple, split-second glance at this new visitor before her eyes fell back onto the cotton-stuffed doll she held.

The swing set she seemed to bring with her wherever she went was swaying on it's own; it's hinges creaking softly with each swing forward. A ripple in the water that surrounded her gazebo platform disrupted her reflection as a single lilypad in the shape of three-leaf clover popped up to the service.

"This is home."


scarlet_hexes February 9 2011, 07:28:23 UTC
Wanda still needed to find herself somewhere to stay. She had stayed at Salyna's place the one night, and in cheap hostels on a couple of other nights. Of course, to find a place to stay, she needed to find a source of income. While fighting criminals who attacked her and taking their money was a source of income, it wasn't a reliable source. It would also make her enemies.

The sight of a castle in the park caught her attention, and she walked around its perimeter curiously. What was that doing there? It seemed out of place in an otherwise thoroughly urban city. Perhaps it was a historical building?

She approached the front, looking to see if there was an entrance fee.


makeyoucrazy February 9 2011, 07:56:24 UTC
Luckily for Wanda, there was no such thing. Just two very large, and very empty rooms on either side of a long hallway leading out towards an indoor courtyard. There was nothing really of value inside; except maybe the statues. But they were so big and heavy, who in their right mind would try to steal them?

Nope, there was practically nothing inside. Except for maybe Ace, who was seated under the gazebo in the garden, doing nothing in particular other then straightening her doll's hair out. Not bothered in the slightest at the arrival of a visitor to her front door.


scarlet_hexes February 9 2011, 20:26:08 UTC
After a moment of poking around, Wanda finally looked around and called inside. She couldn't see anything about an admission fee, nor did the castle seem to be locking people out. "Hello? Is anyone here?"

She wandered inside, taking in the sights. The architecture was beautiful, although she couldn't place it historically. The statues were haunting and yet skillfully crafted in their own way. Finally, she came across the gazebo and spotted a young girl on her own.

"Ah...excuse me," she began.


makeyoucrazy February 10 2011, 01:00:15 UTC
She looked up for a moment, carefully looking over her guest for bit before lowering her gaze once more. Her attention focused on her rippled reflection in the water. Or that's what she seemed to be doing but it was clear to see that she wasn't really focusing on anything at all.

"You don't have to apologize."


king_of_kaiju February 13 2011, 20:06:06 UTC
There was something at the edge of the territory he had been exploring. Vast, and huge. He didn't much like it. It was, to his reptilian brain, as if something had carved a cave out of a mountain. An unusually smooth cave, but a cave nevertheless.

He marched inside, ready for anything.


G-Godzilla! XD; How...tall is he? makeyoucrazy February 13 2011, 22:19:53 UTC
A bringer of fears and horrors, there wasn't very many things Ace was afraid of. Something was approaching her castle; something non-human. Large and with an animal like demeanor. The ground and walls of her castle shook a little with each step this beast took, but rather then be frightened away, she simple sat perfectly still and waited for...whatever it was to come closer.


A mere eight feet. :) king_of_kaiju February 18 2011, 08:33:22 UTC
He entered slowly, noticing how cool it was. His clawed hands were ready, in case it was a trap. They were, really, the least of his offensive weapons, but instinct held strong. The tail twitched, in anticipation. He growled, stepping forward, looking around carefully.


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