
Feb 07, 2011 06:32

Who: Ace, OPEN
What: Sometimes we have no choice in what we are or who we become. This is the fate chosen out for our life, and so it shall be till the day we die.
Where: Ace's Castle; somewhere in the vicinity of Centennial Park
When: Early evening
Rating: PG-13

Notes: The castle staircase is lowered; curious minds come on in

If I cry now, I won't be able to breathe; Someone is crying out from the reflection in the mirror and I realize, I'm not supposed to be like this. )

godzilla, scarlet witch, ace of clubs, persephone, salyna drake

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totwistandturn February 7 2011, 22:39:24 UTC
The castle that stood near her home in Centennial Park had always been a curiosity; Persephone had tried to investigate, but failed, finding paths blocked or with ominous statues in the way that had left shivers down her spine.

It was really only by chance that she had passed by now, her book of old fairy tales tucked beneath her arm. The staircase was down and the door was open. Odd. In all her time seeing it...

This was an opportunity that the goddess couldn't pass up. Creeping her way up the stairs, moving nimbly, she entered into the castle, peering around. The courtyard, of course, caught her eyes first and that's where Persephone headed, making her way quietly to the center.

The last thing she expected to find was another teenaged girl. Maybe some powerful figure, a king or queen, ready to rule over Metropolis, but no. Just the girl and her doll.

Persephone cleared her throat lightly, extracting herself from some nearby foliage that had gotten clingy in her attempts at stealth. "Ah... I am sorry to intrude, I could not help


makeyoucrazy February 8 2011, 02:29:46 UTC
"You wouldn't be the first."

There had been several 'visitors' who had stopped by out of curiosity before her. All of them drawn in by the sheer mystery of a castle that had taken no longer then one night's sleep to build. They'd stay, wandering around the courtyard in awe, amazed that no matter what the weather was outside, the sky above the this vast garden always remained clear, blue and sunny.

A striking contrast to the dark-themed statues of angels scattered about outside and inside the castle walls. Though they appeared to be made of nothing more but stone and granite, many would attest that when they standing in their presence, the eyes of these 'lifeless' statues were watching them.


totwistandturn February 8 2011, 03:21:58 UTC
Persephone couldn't help but glance in the direction of the statues from time to time. They really did feel alive, as if they were watching and she made it a point not to look at them directly.

"Mm," she hummed. "I had tried before but I had found my way barred. Are you ruler here?"


makeyoucrazy February 8 2011, 07:48:11 UTC

There was a long pause from the former Royal Flush Gang member as she gently stroked the yarn-made hair of the doll she held onto so tightly. It was the first time any of her visitor's had called her such a thing, and it took her a moment to come up with some sort of answer.

"...I'm not a ruler. Just a creator..." A truthful enough explanation, Ace thought. To be a ruler you need someone to rule over. And all she had were statues and a doll.


totwistandturn February 8 2011, 07:56:53 UTC
This girl was strange in a way that made Persephone uncomfortable. She shifted her weight from foot to foot before managing to compose herself. The castle had sprung up overnight and it was this girl's doing, if that were to be believed.

"And who are you, if I may inquire?"


salyna_drake February 8 2011, 08:41:54 UTC
Salyna had decided to come pay a visit to Centennial Park to see how Persephone was doing. She looked around the park for a while, but wasn't able to find Persephone, what she found instead was a towering medieval fortress. Okay maybe not so towering, but sizable, and very out of place in Metropolis. Even without her Mystic vision, it would have been obvious that Castle was very out of place andunnatural. It certainly hadn't been here the last time she was in the park. She did remember Janice briefly mentioning a newsfeed about a mysterious castle appearing in Metropolis. She’d had other things on her mind at the time and didn't investigate further ( ... )


makeyoucrazy February 8 2011, 15:59:17 UTC
"..." Though she had had yet to look up and face Persephone, the presence of yet another person drawing near caused the young Ace to fall silent, at least until the other visitor had gotten close enough and spoke out. Not looking at either of her guests directly didn't mean she wasn't watching them. True, neither of them had presented her any sort of reason to consider them a threat.

Chances were that if they had, they wouldn't have been able to make it past the entrance way. No, these women were safe and Ace had not objection to letting them stay for a bit.

"...My name is Ace."


totwistandturn February 9 2011, 23:29:42 UTC
"We have just met," Persephone said, moving closer to Salyna. Though not real family, Persephone considered the other woman as close enough as she could get to it. "I do not quite believe that meets the qualifications of friends just yet."

She furrowed her brow, serious about her response. "I am Margaret, at any rate."


salyna_drake February 10 2011, 01:39:36 UTC
"I'm Salyna, nice to meet you Ace," Salyna said as she walked up closer to Persephone near the edge of the moat.

"This is quite a nice Castle you have here," Salyna said looking around. "Did you build it yourself?"

Salyna study the girl and her aura, curious to learn just what sort of person surrounded herself with such a fortress.


makeyoucrazy February 10 2011, 05:37:51 UTC
Ace glanced between the two women for a bit, studying them carefully, memorizing their names, before looking back down at the toy she had been playing with before they had come. A simple doll; very much like the one she had with her upon her arrival to Section 12. Of course, it wasn't the original. Merely a replica she had manifested from memory.

"It wasn't very hard."

And as if to demonstrate, the largest tree standing their left began to bend. Its branches twisting and turning in all sorts of directions as its once green leaves suddenly turned shades of mixed purple and blue. Stranger and stranger its shape became before as quickly its transformation had started, it stopped. The created tree standing out brightly.


sorry it's taking me so long guys; i've been super scattered :> totwistandturn February 12 2011, 02:19:01 UTC
Persephone's eyes went wide -- while she could change the shape and colour of things in the natural world, she definitely couldn't do it like that. It couldn't be an illusion; the castle they were standing in certainly didn't seem to be one, at any rate, and it it were the same magic...

"How did you..?!"


salyna_drake February 12 2011, 09:47:18 UTC
"Impressive..." This whole place was definitely that. The sheer power needed to build a castle out of nothing, or warp reality the way she seemed to be able to, was mind blowing.

She was interested to hear the girl's answer, but also wondered if the girl was by herself here. There was something about her that seemed profoundly lonely. "Is there anyone else here with you, or do you live all by your self?"


makeyoucrazy February 13 2011, 06:44:04 UTC
"It's easy." Her gaze lowered back to her doll, her interest in her newly created tree already lost. "All I have to do is picture what I want, and it'll happen."

Building castles, reshaping the landscape and surrounding area, it was all came easy for Ace. She could have whatever she wanted, yet the only things she had indulged herself with was what currently stood all around them.

"...I live alone."


totwistandturn February 15 2011, 09:36:31 UTC
Persephone went over to inspect the tree, smoothing hands over the branches and turning leaves over. So, so strange.

"To live alone... Is it through choice?" Under normal circumstances, Persephone would be completely uninterested in the life of this girl, but these were hardly normal circumstances. If they were to share the same sphere, then the goddess wanted to know what she was about.


salyna_drake February 15 2011, 10:13:57 UTC
Salyna carefully studied Ace's aura. Her aura was complex and chaotic, an outward veneer of calm overlaying deep turbulent currents beneath. From what she'd seen and sensed from the girl's aura, she was without a doubt one of the most powerful beings Salyna had ever met. And that included the young goddess beside her. However, that power was unstable and growing.

The strange girl touched Salyna's compassion. "Do you have friends who you play with, or talk with? Who visit you?" She asked, trying to study the girls deeper emotions in her aura as she responded.


makeyoucrazy February 15 2011, 21:14:24 UTC
"Yes." She simple replied to Persephone's question, eyes still fixated solely on the toy she held. Whether it was out of shyness or something else that lead her unable to look at them in the eyes directly, it probably didn't matter.

"Only the strangers who wander in from time to time."


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