Not here, yet now!

Aug 22, 2011 23:07

Title: Not here, yet now
Author: koichiko
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: NC17
Lenght: 2,422
Disclaimer: Characters don’t belong to me but to JE & Associates
Summary: Anon requested “Nino gets Ohno off at a public place” -> I chose the VS Arashi shooting <3
Hope you like it!


Ohno let out a small yelp when Sho’s fingers slid from the grip and he fell from the Cliff Climbing wall, only secured at the last second through the wire around his waist. The audience gasped audibly and let out a consecutive sigh of relief when Arashi’s newscaster was unharmed.
That was probably the only exciting thing to happen during the entire course of the shooting.

Nino was bored. Bored like he usually never was during VS Arashi shootings - the show was usually a blast to film and usually he wouldn’t even think about doing anything stupid while so many cameras were pointed at him, but today …

Today was just unbearable, really. Not only was it inexplicably hot outside, he had also not had time to have his breakfast, his new game-console had crashed yesterday and when he had called Ohno the last couple of times to ask if he could come over, the older man had flat-out denied, meaning that he probably had a new girl, which in return didn’t exactly make Nino feel any better given their history as part-time lovers. So he had decided to do something about it.

Nino let his mind and eyes wander, looking through the ranks of the audience to his left and right inconspicuously, trying to find anything funny in the bantering Jun was doing with their Plus-One guests and deciding that while Aiba was going to do his best at Dual Curling, he really didn’t have anything better to do than thinking about how to make his idea come true.

He looked around for the familiar small figure and found him sitting two rows in front of him, his recently cut hair exposing his neck in the most alluring way and Nino decided that while the guests where absolutely not worth spending his attention on, Ohno most definitely was.
It wasn’t as if he didn’t stare at Ohno all the time anyways, but given the terrifyingly boring episode this was going to be, he decided that there wasn’t really a better past-time than cataloguing every single one of Ohno’s small movements.

He couldn’t really explain it. Him and Ohno weren’t a couple, never had been. But there had been innumerable times when the chemistry between them had become too heavy and resulted in a lot more than just innocent hand-holding. Whenever a new girl was in the picture though, they had to cease seeing each other and both respected this and kept their distance respectively … which didn’t mean Nino liked it though. For him wanting Ohno was so natural, so constant and so deeply aching that he had to hold himself back not to call his band mate every single evening.

Pouting a little at his dark thoughts, he inspected the way Sho was apologizing to them profusely and the hall erupted in laughter.
When it was time for the next game and Ohno was told to sit next to him, Nino moved to action. Aliened from the tip of their toes to their bumping shoulders as always, the older man grinned shortly at him in a way that told Nino he didn’t think this shooting was boring at all and Nino couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. This was going to be hard if Ohno decided he was having fun already.

Concentrated on the game and cheering on Aiba, Ohno didn’t realize that Nino was pushing even closer to him at first. Since he was already sitting at the edge of his cushion, Ohno pushed back without even realizing it. Nino watched the scene in front of him a little, laughing out loud when Aiba used too much force and shot the puck far over the lines and then used that moment to turn around in his seat a little and to push his leg over Ohno’s a little, which resulted in them being pressed against each other even more. The older man looked at Nino now, something in his eyes unreadable, although his lips where still curved in a smile as this sitting arrangement wasn’t exactly unusual.

Nino grew a little frustrated then, wanting to see the hot desire for him in those wonderful eyes, wanting it so bad it hurt and he inched even closer, feeling Ohno’s intoxicating and hotter-than-usual heat through the shirt, smelled the scent of his clean skin, the hair on his arms slowly rising …

He was liar, Nino knew that. He only pretended to be considerate. He didn’t care for Ohno’s girlfriends. He had wanted Ohno for the bigger part of his life and being denied the warmth of his skin and the feeling of his lips and that deep look that made him feel so helpless and special and wonderful every time Ohno found someone better, it was gut-wrenching and made him feel so hollow and empty and made the knowledge that nothing would ever change almost unbearble.

But Ohno hadn’t said anything yet. He hadn’t told Nino that he had found someone special again and as long as he didn’t, Nino considered what he had planned fair and square.

When the countdown was started by Ito-san the cameras focused on Aiba and Nino knew that the only thing that could be seen from him and Ohno in this angle was their heads and faces. The attention of everyone in the studio was focused on the game and when Nino delicately brushed over Ohno’s crotch with his right hand, Arashi’s Leader froze instantly and turned around to look at him with big, shocked eyes, squirming under Nino’s touch.

Nino wasn’t about to get scared off though, so he got a little bolder and after brushing his fingers over the front of Ohno’s pants a few more times, he suddenly grabbed his Leader’s penis roughly.
Ohno gasped and leaned forward with his head hanging slightly, obviously sucking in air and trying not to whimper. He gripped at Nino’s hand but didn’t move it away.

Nino grinned and started stroking Ohno languidly through his pants, using his thumb to outline Ohno’s dick and his nails to scratch lightly through the fabric. The older man turned his head and Nino could see that his face was flushed and his lips parted, eliciting small moans that thankfully couldn’t be heard over the loud noises from the game and the audience.
Still not letting go of Ohno, Nino proceeded jerking him roughly a few times before his Leader suddenly turned back to face him and asked breathlessly, his eyes already a shade darker and with a strange shine to them.
“Now? Here?”

Ohno didn’t look particularly pleased, but he also didn’t look as if he was objecting. And finally there was the hot hunger Nino had wanted to see. Desire, exclusively for him.

He couldn’t help it, Nino grinned. Ohno looked scared and excited at the same time, insecure and downright terrified at the prospect of getting a hand-job in the middle of their VS Arashi shooting, with approximately 300 people watching. Using the opportunity of Ohno looking at him so confusedly, Nino brushed his hand under Ohno’s shirt and over his hard abdomen before slipping his hand into his pants.

When he took a hold of his Leader’s already really really hot dick, the man shuddered while spreading his legs wider and pressed closer into Nino’s side, his mouth dangerously close to Nino’s lips and the younger man had to pull his head back a little so Ohno wouldn’t think to kiss him. It was still very loud around them but Ohno kissing him was sure not going to go by unnoticed.

Ohno seemed to realize what he was about to do and pulled back a little himself but now his lips were too close to Nino’s ear and he could hear every little sound that came out of Ohno’s mouth, the small moans and gasps as Nino worked his Leader’s member, sliding up and down first slow, then faster, pressing his thumb to the head and moving it slowly, before he went down a notch and gripped Ohno’s balls delicately, given them a small squeeze and Ohno next to him gave out a little cry that made Nino flush all over, heat spreading into his lower areas and he knew that if he continued, he was going to end up hard and frustrated himself.

Not that stopping was an option. Ohno was already way too hard for it to be comfortable and when Nino licked his lips and started pumping even harder, his nails grazing his Leader’s shaft he felt the man go rigid, his breathing uncontrollable now, panting hard into Nino’s ear and the younger man had to grip hard at the edge of his seat to stop himself from just pushing Ohno back right then and there and devour the older man, who was now slightly pushing his hips into Nino’s hand, pressing into his side even closer, his eyes closed and face flushed and sweaty.
None of them was paying attention to the game or to the audience or to the other members and nobody was paying attention to them, at least in their eyes nobody was.

Nino squeezed his fist tighter, going suddenly slower, drinking in the sensation of Ohno heat against him and his Leader’s frustrated groans, as he tried to push his hips closer to Nino’s hand again. Maddeningly slow Nino tickled his fingertips from the top to the bottom of Ohno’s length, fisting surprisingly tight at the top and when he thumbed the slit once more Ohno yelped into his ear, feeling how the other man started panting and whispering “Don’t stop, please, don’t stop …”

The ragged breathing at his side, combined with the low “Aaah”s Ohno was eliciting, were slowly driving Nino insane and when he turned his head and looked his band mate in the eyes, he was sure that no matter what happened in the future, it was moments like this, Ohno draped half over him, moaning and panting, his eyes bright and shining and filled with so much lust and desire and more things Nino couldn’t or didn’t want to name, that he would remember as the happiest of his life.

Nino couldn’t help but smile at the thought and he increased his pace again, hard and relentless and Ohno melted into him, flushed and breathless and whimpering.
“Faster, faster … Nino, please …”

Nino took his other hand from where it had been gripping his seat and placed it on Ohno’s balls through his pants, massaging with as much pressure as he could muster and his Leader got even harder in his hand.
Ohno was trembling now, his hand shivering against his legs and Nino’s hand, trying to edge the younger man on to more frantic rubbing and when he did, Ohno sighed hoarsely, very tempted to just lean in and take Nino’s earlobe between his teeth like he knew the younger man loved.

But Nino speed up his hand again, fist now tugging and gliding along his dick with hot friction and Ohno couldn’t hold it anymore, panting heavily against Nino, begging silently “Please Nino, make me cum, please Nino …” in an endless chorus and he heard the way the game around them was finishing, how the other member’s were being asked to comment on Aiba’s performance and the audience was laughing now, not long because Ito-san was going to call up either Nino or him and …

With a last tight rub from Nino’s hand, a last tight pressure from his other hand, Ohno came in his hand, shuddering with his entire body, the hair on his forehead slightly sweaty and he crumbled into Nino with a last long moan, while the younger man was squeezing him through his orgasm.


Ito-sans voice resounded everywhere in the big hall.

“Hai?” Nino sounded cheerful as ever, taking his hand out of Ohno’s pants seconds before the camera was placed on him and assuming a less suspicious position. The older man was nevertheless still leaning heavily on him, his head slightly hanging as he tried to regain his breath.

“You and Ohno-san weren’t really paying any attention …”

The audience focused on them then and so did the guests and the other Arashi members. Nino could clearly see disdain in Jun’s eyes and something close to fury in Sho’s. Aiba was just smiling brightly at them, hoping for some fun answer to laugh at.

“Ah, yes!” Nino answered enthusiastically. “Ohno-san isn’t really feeling all too well, as it seems. Aiba’s performance seems to have really hit him …”
“OI!” Aiba interrupted, fake-indignant. The hall erupted in laughter.


When shooting came to a halt due to reconstruction, the other Arashi members pulled them aside and criticized them harshly about the behavior which, of course, hadn’t gone unnoticed by them. Ohno was standing silently at his side while Nino took the blame for everything without chagrin, aware that he was at fault and that his actions had been stupid and risky.

It wasn’t until Aiba put his hand on Ohno’s forehead though, that he realized that maybe not everything was alright with their Leader.

“Oh-chan, how’s the fever coming?” Aiba murmured worriedly.

“Fever?” Sho’s voice was high with worry and he scooped closer to Ohno, trying to read his temperature as well. Ohno let them do but sighed a little as his eyes landed on Nino who was looking at him shocked and guiltily.

“I’ve been having a fever for the last couple of days” Ohno finally admitted when they had all started buzzing around him, “It’s not bad, don’t worry.”

He turned his head again then and looked in Nino’s eyes, unreadable like before, with a small smile gracing his lips and he took Nino’s hand, just for a split second before letting it go, and Nino felt that there were so many things they hadn’t said and so many things they let just drift by and maybe, maybe it was soon time to talk about them. Maybe.

The End
+ Guys, I’m so sorry. This turned out great but the last part was really hard to write and took me forever. In the meantime lovely cry1baby already wrote a fanfic to the same prompt, please check it out here!
+ Why VS Arashi? It’s fast turning into my favorite Arashi-show, simply for the fact that there are so many little moments that make my day :D

*arashi, pairing: ohmiya, pairing: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, *meme, rating: nc17, kink: handjob, kink: sex in public, genre: smut, genre: romance

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