Frosted Days [Riku/Sora, Axel/Roxas]; Some art :3

Sep 30, 2007 20:38

I have two very special awesome presents for the lorvely RS..... :x and I didn't even start finish the super special sekrit present, but I'M GOING TO START IT RIGHT AFTER THIS POST, AND HOPEFULLY IT WILL BE DONE BY MIDNIGHT :O

Title: Frosted Days
Pairing: Riku/Sora, AkuRoku
Written For: rainbowserenity, on her birthgay 8D (not a typo! XD)
Type/Rating: Fluff, PG
Author's Note: this pulls from some random Ven theories and interview answers :O in particular, the theory that Sora was holding Ven's heart, which became Roxas, and the theory that Organization members can be restored to their former bodies from the darkness.

"Sora?" Sora's mom poked her head into his room. "Sora, honey, wake up! It's your birthday!"

Sora tiredly rubbed sleep from his eyes. "...What?"

"Your birthday, moron." Roxas grinned from the doorway. "Come on, get up - someone's here to see you."

Riku? Kairi? Sora slid out of bed and pulled some clothes on, yawning widely. "Hey Roxas, when's your birthday?"

Roxas blinked. In the Organization, everyone celebrated the day they became a Nobody as their 'birthday'... he couldn't remember what day it was, now, and besides, that wasn't what he wanted to celebrate. And Ven hadn't known when he was born. "Uh... I don't know."

Sora paused in the process of pulling on his jacket. "You don't know when your birthday is???"


Sora shoved his arm in the remaining sleeve and ran for the door, grabbed Roxas's hand on the way. "Then you can celebrate with me, okay? It'll be kind of like having a twin!"

Roxas let Sora pull him, marveling at the cupcake that was Sora's brain sometimes. For a while, they had been the same person - but Ven's heart longed to live and love, and one day Roxas simply appeared on the shores of Destiny Islands. Sora's family had taken him in as their son, and Roxas never bothered to explain exactly who he was...

Sora grinned and dragged Roxas down the stairs, into the kitchen. "MOM! Can we celebrate Roxas's birthday today too, PLEASE? He doesn't know when his birthday is!"

Sora's mom chuckled. "All right, all right, now go on and say to your friends, Sora."

Sora took off for the living room, where decorations were already being set up. "RIKU!" He tackled his friend back into the couch before Riku could even get up.

Riku laughed, a smile lighting his warm features. "Good morning, Sora. Happy birthday."

"You're soooo early!" Sora hugged him. "That means you get to help set up, right??"

Riku grinned. "I guess so." He looked over Sora's shoulder and gave Roxas a small smile. Roxas shoved his hands in his pockets and grinned.

"OH!! Riku! We're gonna celebrate Roxas's birthday today too!!"

Riku raised an eyebrow. "Really now?"

"Yeah! I asked him when his birthday was, but he didn't know..." Riku tuned out the babble, trying to decipher the expression on Roxas's face.

Roxas shrugged. He didn't really care one way or another, and it seemed to make Sora happy, which was probably a good thing.

"...Oh. Roxas?" Sora twisted around so he could see him. "Is there anyone you want to invite to the party?"

Roxas thought. Hayner, Pence, and Olette were his closest friends - but it wasn't like it used to be, in the fake Twilight Town. He wasn't really part of the group, not yet.

Roxas shook his head.

"Okay. Hey, Mom!" Sora took off for the kitchen, a sudden thought occurring to him.

Roxas met Riku's eyes, and shrugged again. "Well... we might as well start setting up, right?"

Riku smiled and stood up. "Sure thing, Roxas."


Ding dong! Sora ran for the door, tripping over a chair on the way. He pulled the door open - "Hey Kairi! Hey Selphie!"

They both grinned. "Happy birthday, Sora!" Kairi said with a grin, shoving a large present on the already-overflowing table.

"Sorry we're late - Kairi wanted to make sure your present was wrapped juuuuust so..."

Kairi shovevd her, laughing. "That's not what made us late, you were the one who wanted to change clothes five times just because Tidus was - "

"What's that about me?"

On the other side of the room, Roxas shook his head. "Sora wants me to celebrate my birthday today, because I can't remember when it is."

Hayner laughed. "Can't remember? Oh man, that has to suck." He ruffled Roxas's ridiculously unruly hair. "Then I guess we do have to celebrate today, huh?"

"I guess..."

Olette frowned. "You could have told us, we'd have brought presents for both of you!"

"I didn't find out until this morning..." Much to Roxas's surprise, his three friends had already been invited to the party - they were friends of Sora.

Sora had a lot of friends. A LOT. And so many of them were from other worlds... apparently, King Mickey himself had gone around on his gummi ship yesterday to pick everyone up.

Roxas shook his head. Well, there was one person that, had this been his real birthday, he'd've wanted to see... but that was impossible. Axel wouldn't - couldn't be here.

Roxas picked up a cup of punch and sighed. At least Sora was having a great time.


"RIKU!" It was the second time Sora had jumped on his lap that day; Riku wasn't complaining. He smiled and automatically put his arms around Sora - to uh, steady him. In case he fell over, or something.

Sora frowned and poked Riku in the forehead. "You didn't give me a birthday present!!"

Riku chuckled. "Looked through them all already, did you?"

"Yeah, and I don't see anything from you!!"

Riku laughed, and shook his head. "I have a present for you, but I wanted to give it to you in private. Maybe after the party?" He'd meant to give it before, but Roxas hadn't left them alone all day... sort of like he knew.

Sora's eyes widened, then he grinned. "Well, okay! As long as you didn't forget about me or anything!"

"I could never do that," Riku was saying, but at that moment, there was a knock on the door.

Sora looked up. Who could that be???

"Oh... he made it."

Sora turned back to Riku. "What? Who is it?"

Riku smiled. "It's the King, and he's probably got your last guest with him."

"But everyone I invited is here!"

"It's not for you..."

Roxas answered the door, and his mouth fell open.

"'s for Roxas.



He was sure it was him. Might have had shorter hair, different clothes, and circular scars instead of tattoos on his face - but his eyes were the same, and Roxas knew exactly who it was.

He grinned. "When I became a Nobody, I threw away my old name, and I'm not entirely sure what I should do about it now..." He shrugged, grinning. "Can I come in... Roxas?"

Roxas let him in, banging his heel on the table leg because he wasn't paying attention. "Yeah, come on in... join the party."

Another blond in the room looked up and smirked softly. "Just an old friend," he murmured, in response to Leon's questioning look.

The brunette grinned. "You've got a lot of those, huh."

Cloud scowled. That didn't even dignify a response.


"Axel!!" Sora leapt off Riku's lap. "Uh... are you Axel?"

He grinned. "I heard it was someone's special day, and my memories tell me we were friendly... at some point, at least."

Sora laughed. "Of course we're friends!" In the end, his heart won out. Questions could be saved for later.


They sat out on the balcony overlooking the sea, their legs dangling through the gap in the railing. Instead of ice cream, each nibbled on a slice of birthday cake, content for the moment just to be together.

Roxas finished his cake, and set it aside. "...Axel?"

"Yeah?" He put his aside, too.

"It really is you? I'm not just... dreaming, or something?"

"If this is a dream, then I've been dreaming all my life... or something." He shook his head, grinning. "Roxas. There's something I wanted to tell you, before, but I never got the chance to... or maybe I just didn't have the courage."

Roxas nodded. He sort of thought he knew what Axel was going to say, and his heart beat a little faster. Maybe a long time ago, he wouldn't've understood - but the months go by, and when you miss someone like that for so long, you start to realize the things you'd never wanted to admit.

"...I love you, Roxas; even as stupid as it sounds, I always have... even when I wasn't supposed to have a heart to love you with."

Always Axel. Always so honest. Roxas opened his mouth, tried a few times, but no words would come out... shook his head. Tried again.

"...When you said, a long time ago... that we'd meet again..."

There was a long pause, as Roxas tried to sort out what he wanted to say... and slipped into silence, as he gave up.

He slowly curled his hand around Axel's, and after a long second, rested his head on his shoulder.

Nothing more needed to be said.



"Just follow me."

"Riku, where are we going?"

"It's almost midnight, we have to hurry!"

Riku took hold of Sora's hand - er, so he wouldn't fall behind. Or trip. Or something.

"Riku, what are you - "

Riku stopped, and Sora collided lightly with his back. "Ow..."

It was a stretch of beach like any other, palm trees, white sand, the reflection of the moon on the ocean.... a raft.


"Riku, is that...?!"

He just grinned.

"WOW! I can't believe you actually... WOW RIKU!" Sora was running around the raft, checking everything, it was definitely the same raft that they'd made those years ago - only finished.

"Want to take a ride?"

Sora gasped. "What, really? It floats?"

Riku grinned... everything was worth it for the look on Sora's face. "Sure does. Let's go."

They drifted around the island, Sora lying on his back and watching the stars, Riku moving the raft along. "Hey... Riku?"

"What is it?"

"Thanks a bunch... for the present and everything."

He smiled. "You're welcome, Sora. Happy Birthday."

Sora frowned, and turned his head away... Riku leaned over, concerned. "What is it."

"N-nothing." Sora wasn't about to tell him what he was disappointed about...

Riku stayed where he was, reached an arm over Sora - to steady himself, of course - and frowned. "Come on, Sora. You're a bad liar."

Sora turned back and fixed his blue eyes on Riku, then sighed. "It's not my birthday anymore, so it doesn't matter."

Riku blinked. "What?"

"I was going to ask you for something... but it's not my birthday anymore, so now I can't."

Snort. "You can always ask, Sora."

"And you'll do it?" The look on Sora's face was oddly intense.

Riku felt his heart thump. He'd do anything for Sora, though the reason why was... well, the point of the matter was - "Within reason, but yes." Provided you don't ask me to kill you, or something like that. Which you'd never do anyway.

"....Kiss me?"

There was a pause, as a sudden tendril of understanding reached between them...

And Riku complied.

{ + }

Oh man. That got a LOT longer than I expected...


I'm very, very sorry that I don't have a scanner - I PROMISE you'll get a scan the SECOND I can get my ass to a scanner. But until then, I have some photos.

and a close-up:


♥, iGrab

riku/sora, fanart, axel/roxas, fanfiction

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