Title: Relaxation
Pairing: Roxas/Fuu
Written For:
city_thievType/Rating: Fluff, PG
He flopped down next to her and shook his head. Finally. "I'm sorry I'm late, Hayner called me, and when I said I had to go, he kept asking and asking where I had to be, and I had to tell him..." Roxas trailed off, he was babbling again.
She smiled, the soft expression bringing light to her usually emotionless face. "I only just got here myself."
"Seifer?" Roxas asked knowingly.
She nodded once; nothing else needed to be said.
They sat together as the sun slipped behind the horizon, and Roxas gradually felt the tension in his muscles relax, relax, one by one. He sighed deeply and leaned back onto his arms, letting his eyes close and his head fall back. He loved it here, he loved being here in her peaceful presence.
He felt small hands touch his shoulders tentatively, and he sat up. Slight scrunching sound as she shifted behind him, then those small hands kneaded into his shoulders muscles, furthering the release of tension there. He made little purry sounds, at which she smiled.
"Nnngh... thanks, Fuu," he muttered gratefully.
She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Welcome."