Stairway to Heaven [AkuRoku, Riku/Sora]

Aug 13, 2007 13:03

Title: Stairway to Heaven
Pairing: hints of AkuRoku and Riku/Sora
Type: Fluffish?
Rating: PG

"Wait, Riku... wait!"

The tall silver-haired man smiled over his shoulder. "You're so slow, Sora." He reached a hand back and waited - sure enough, another hand closed in his. "But I wouldn't go on without you."

"I knew you'd be waiting." Sora smiled, and the smile was just as full of playful innocence as it had been when they'd first met, decades ago on a carefree island. Things had changed so much since then, but some things stayed exactly the same.

Their feet made no sound on the pearly staircase beneath them, as they walked forward hand in hand. The light got brighter the higher they went...

And suddenly Sora felt... different. As if something was missing, but he just couldn't remember what it was... Maybe he dropped something? That seemed kind of silly now, but he turned back anyway.

He was standing about ten steps below them, and Sora wasn't entirely sure that he was real... maybe it was the way he almost glowed, or the fact that they could still see the staircase through his body.

And Sora remembered, and wondered how he could have ever forgotten.

Roxas smiled back at Sora. He looked exactly the same as he had all those years ago, young and blond and ethereal. "I'm sorry," he said. "I know you'd forgotten about me, but I've always been there, and you're probably used to me."

Sora took a step down. "Roxas..."

The blond shook his head. "You go on - both of you. It's everything you deserve."

"But...!" Sora stopped when Riku took a hold of his arm. He looked back and forth from one to the other, confused.

Roxas simply smiled mysteriously. "I really am sorry... but I promised someone I'd find them again. We've been apart long enough." He raised a hand in a simple wave. "Goodbye." The blond turned and slowly began walking down the steps, and with every step, he became more solid, with every step he lost a little light.

Riku held Sora back, who fought against him. They both watched Roxas as he walked down the spiral staircase and slowly faded away, becoming a part of the darkness below them.

Sora let his head fall. "I can't believe I forgot about him," he murmured slowly.

"He was a part of you," Riku said, taking Sora's hand and leading him up once more. "You didn't forget about him, you thought about him every day."

"But he's gone now..." Sora stopped again and looked down, but there was nothing to be seen. "I feel like crying," he added with surprise.

Riku ruffled Sora's hair. "I know what you mean." Not that Riku had been upset when Xehanort left, but it had felt wrong. He'd been a part of Riku for such a long time.

Sora sighed. "But... I guess it's okay. Who did he have to find?"

"You don't remember?"

Both of them looked up to see a blonde girl, wearing a short white dress, smiling from a set of shining white gates. She, too, was glowing brightly.

Sora frowned. She looked so familiar!

"That's too bad, Sora. He gave his life for you, so he must have liked you a lot." Namine tilted her head and grinned. "I bet you don't remember me, either."

Sora tried, really really hard. But he still couldn't remember.

"But that's okay. Memories are fleeting, and they matter less up here." She ran a thumb over the edge of a certain deck of cards that she was holding behind her back. "But go on - Kairi's waiting for you."

"Kairi!" Both faces lit up with smiles, and they ran for the gates, memories and nobodies forgotten. Namine smiled as they brushed past her, and waited until the gates had shut behind them before pulling out the cards.

Axel. Roxas. Namine. The World that Never Was. Organization XIII.

"Good luck, Roxas," she said with a smile. "We'll meet again someday. I'm sure of it."
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