Title: Buttsex is Fun
Pairing: Luxord/Axel
Written For:
inomuiro Type: rofl
Rating: PG-15... lol
Luxord slammed Axel down onto the table; he started laughing. Luxord smirked. "Care to share the joke?"
"Naw..." Axel drawled, dragging a hand across Luxord's cheek. "It's your face... it's just funny."
Luxord pressed him back with a kiss. "We'll see about that."
"I'd rather not, actually." Axel wriggled his arms free of the heavy black coat, then sighed happily as Luxord explored his chest with his tongue. "Having fun there, Luxout?" It was one of Axel's favorite nicknames.
"Sure baby, but there's definitely a problem here..."
Axel frowned. "Yeah? What's that?"
"You're only half naked." He grinned and moved to fix that particular problem.
"Oh yeah?" Axel slid his rather impressive hips out of the way. "Nu-uh. Pants are staying ON until you start taking things OFF."
Luxord laughed. "I am taking things off - your pants."
"No deal!" Axel shoved his foot in Luxord's chest and shoved him away. "Coat off, now!"
Luxord smirked and held up his hands. "You want it off, you take it off."
"Fine." Axel let his foot drop, then spread his legs and beckoned. "C'mere, Luxy..."
Luxord obeyed; not without taking an eyeful of the picture-perfect scene before him. He held his arms out while Axel stripped his coat off - compliant, for once.
Axel tossed it away and shoved his hips forward, against Luxord's. "Now you can take my pants off."
"Naked Axel makes a happy Luxord," the blonde said cheerfully, getting a good grope in while he was at it.
Axel hissed, though from pleasure or annoyance, who knew. "Usually it's the other way way around."
"What, naked Luxord makes a happy Axel?"
"No - happy Luxord makes a naked Axel." He smirked. "You show up in a good mood, my clothes fall off."
"Oh, you poor thing. What an unfortunate circumstance."
"Yeah, well, at least I usually get buttsex out of the deal, so I'm not complaining."
"Buttsex? Who said anything about buttsex? I thought we were just getting naked for fun."
Axel shoved himself up against Luxord, who was now also naked. "Buttsex is fun."
Luxord grabbed his hips and flipped him over. "More so for me than for you."
Axel laughed. "Debatable!"
"Wrong, you lose."
"Hey - you gonna fuck me or do you need a map to my ass first?"
"No, I think I'll just - "