The Space Between [Lexaeus/Leon, PG]

Sep 01, 2007 15:07

Title: The Space Between
Pairing: Lexaeus/Leon
Written For: keep_try - I love you, btw. This was an awesome request.
Type: food for thought/fluff
Rating: PG
A/N: cheesy title, I know. But it fits, damnit.

Leon smirked as he felt the familiar dark presence behind him. "Well. A pleasant surprise," he said, still facing his desk, arms crossed, smirking.

"I came to give you news of your friend... the Keyblade Bearer."

"Did you now? That's even more surprising." Harsh sarcasm was all he could manage, now. "And here I thought he was your friend, I dunno, Roxas...?"

Lexaeus snorted. "Leon. I came to warn you."

He felt a frission down his spine... it was just a name, he knew, but it was so strange hearing it from that voice. Their voices hadn't changed, but their names had... and so much else besides.

"...Marluxia and Larxene are going to try and capture Sora, to use him to overthrow the Organization."

Only then did Leon turn around. "They're what? Please tell me you're not just gonna stand around and let it happen!"

"Of course not," he snapped back, cutting Leon off. Then he sighed. "I wanted to talk to you, to... spend some time with you," and here he paused, and the unspoken words flowed between them.

Leon sighed, and it wasn't an unhappy sigh... a small smile pricked at the corner of his mouth. "You know I'm always here for you."

"I do know that." Suddenly, Lexaeus strode across the room - he was so graceful, and Leon couldn't remember if he's always been that way, of it was just since he'd become a Nobody. It didn't seem to matter much, especially not when their lips joined, roughly, and familiarity and need overtook the gradual erosion of his heart.


"You know..." Leon propped himself up on his elbows. "I don't really believe all that shit about you guys not having hearts."

Lexaeus's hand found itself resting on the small of Leon's back. "Oh? And why do you say that?"

Leon smirked. "Well hell, Lex, that was downright compassionate!"

Lexaeus scowled.

"I mean, I'm supposed to be the sappy one here, but..."

"That's enough," he growled under his breath, shaking his head. For a smart guy, Leon had some pretty stupid notions at times.

Leon just chuckled, and turned over, surreptitiously inching closer to Lexaeus. "You're really worried, aren't you?"

Lexaeus was silent for a minute, then slid his hand around Leon's waist and pulled him closer. He buried his face in his hair for a minute, just... breathing in the smell of him. "It feels the same... as it did before. When we knew that something was going to happen, and we didn't know what, but we knew that it would change our lives forever."

The silence grew, but it was a shared silence, both men taking a quiet pleasure in simply being close together.

Leon finally spoke, whispering into the dark. "Why haven't you gone back to her?"

A long pause. "You said you don't believe that we don't have hearts."


Lexaeus closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Leon's temple. "I won't go back to her... I can't... I don't want to break her heart simply because I don't have one to love her with."

Leon snorted. "You're a coward."

"Call it what you like." Lexaeus sighed. "But it's something I simply cannot do."

"Well, all right then... but if you ask me, you're just scared that she'll never forgive you." He turned his face slightly, touching his cheek to Lexaeus's forehead. "Which isn't true."

"Are you complaining?" Lexaeus absently caressed Leon's side with his thumb.

Leon chuckled. "If I didn't love my sister, it's true I would have nothing to complain about. But I do." He turned to face Lexaeus, and folded his slender hands in the Silent Hero's larger ones. "You really are deluding yourself. I mean, come on. You can't be with Ellone, so you fuck around with her brother instead? And it's not even like we look alike, we're not actually related!"

Lexaeus scowled. "Would it be better if you did? Then I could just say that the physical memory of being with her - "

Suddenly, Leon leaned the few inches forward and pressed their lips together, softly, the kind of kiss they'd never shared. "No... you're right," he muttered. "I care about Ellone, but damnit if I'm not jealous of her."

"I'm with you now," Lexaeus pointed out.

"But you don't love me." Leon looked away, a light flush coming over his cheeks. "And according to your stupid Xemnas, you can't."

"I...!" Lexaeus tried to put up some defense to that, but there was nothing he could say that would make it better.

He reached an arm around Leon, and pulled him close, and the physical comfort of being near someone was all he could ask for now.

The silence stretched between them, disturbing, dividing. Finally Leon asked... "What are you afraid of?"

The question bothered Lexaeus almost more than the silence, but Leon continued.

"You said you felt like there was a big change coming up, did you mean...?"

Another of the long silences.

Lexaeus brushed his lips against the scar on Leon's forehead, acquired a long time ago from a person who was almost, but not quite the same as the person who held him now. "Yes."

"Is that why you came to see me?"

"...Yes." I wanted to be with you. Yes. "I wanted our last memory... to be a good one." Just in case, of course.

Of course. "Look, I'm sorry about..."

Soft kisses were addictive. "Please don't worry about it. No matter what, I will see to it that Sora is safe."

Leon chuckled, and nuzzled the base of Lexaeus's throat. "Protecting what I care about, Silent Hero?"


"You really are wrong about that heart thing, you know."

"...I know."

lexaeus/leon, fanfiction

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