Big Bad Evil Guy [Demyx/Xemnas]

Sep 01, 2007 01:19

Title: Big Bad Evil Guy
Pairing: Demyx/Xemnas
WHY?!: It's 9/1, of course! >D
Are you seriously writing a Demyx-seme fic every day for the next thirteen days?: Yes. 8D.
Oh my god, I'm going to have to gouge my eyes out!: Actually, you won't. You'll be too busy laughing your ass off at the crack!
Oh... okay. I'll get back to doing my job now.: You do that.
Rating: L for LOL of course :D

The new Nobody...

Was WAY.



And of course, he wouldn't leave Xemnas alone. Admittedly, Xemnas was powerful and sexy and rich and fabulous-looking and all-around wonderful and hang on this was starting to sound suspiciously like a good reason... But never mind that. The point was...


Ah, yes. That. THAT. That was not funny. Not even slightly humorous. At all, whatsoever.


Too bad Demyx refused to call him anything else, and when he was hanging onto Xemnas's shoulders, well - it was a little hard to ignore. "Yes, Number Nine?"

"Will you go out with me?"

"Of course not. I'm a little busy, you know, trying to take over Kingdom Hearts BWAHAHA get my heart back, you know how it is." He continued doing whatever he'd been doing, arranging the flowers on his desk or something, before Demyx had attacked him from behind. No matter that there was a sack of dead weight hanging on him, it was nothing, really.

"No, I don't!"

Suddenly, Xemnas felt his feet being swept out from under him (goddamn fucking waterclones!), and BAM - well - it was lucky that his bed was fairly close, or that could have hurt quite a lot.

"Damnit, Number Nine!" He wiggled so he could at least look up at Demyx, but the Melodious Nocturne was stronger than he looked and - well, unless he cheated and opened a portal, he just plain wasn't going anywhere. "What do you want?"

"Kiss me!"

Xemnas frowned, affronted. "I'm the one who gives orders, not - "

And then Demyx kissed him.

Apparently, Xemnas wasn't.

{ + }

A/N: I'm so going to hell.

demyx/xemnas, xemnas, fanfiction, demyx

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