Title: Low-life, High-strung (3/12)
Pairing: Pretty much Everyone/Jaejoong. In this chapter: incest!Junsu/Jaejoong
Length: 2,496w (5,386 total)
Summary: Jaejoong, a successful internet porn star, returns to his estranged family after the death of his mother leaves some loose ends.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 (
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Comments 23
I won't miss this.
I won't miss this ever again T_T
off to read :DDD
Maybe I should start saving you a spot. XP
oh god. I love this.
to death and every single word
and yeah. you better update fast.
so... Su and Jae are brothers. damn.
you've got me there, I'm a sucker for
incest ♥ I love Jae in this one... but
I'm not so sure about Su yet :)
and yaaaay Yoochun appeared!!!
Too bad Minnie won't be around *sob*
this is so beautifully written. and as
always I feel slightly envious of your
choice of words and how every word just
seems to be perfectly placed... T_T
I love incest stories too. Not so cool in real life, but for some reason it's perfectly acceptable (and sexy) in fandom.
And don't worry! Minnie will make another appearance. Eventually. :)
you have definitely gotten me well and truely hooked.
i need more. MOAR i tell you XD
I love your icon! Too true.
such a great update.
I love it! ♥
the flashback was ... O.o ... wow
I did not see that coming at all
well done!
i love it! X__X
please update soon *begs on knees*
i see Jaesu is now really awkward with each other (i would be too) after so long time they saw each other... cant wait how this will continue! :D
you captured my interest with this fic i totally love it ♥ yea...i totally love incest DBSK fics :D♥
love your writing , will stalk you XD I hope you dont mind if i add you? *shy*
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