Title: Low-life, High-strung (3/12)
Pairing: Pretty much Everyone/Jaejoong. In this chapter: incest!Junsu/Jaejoong
Length: 2,496w (5,386 total)
Summary: Jaejoong, a successful internet porn star, returns to his estranged family after the death of his mother leaves some loose ends.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 (
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Comments 23
JaeSu ♥
kudos on writing about my otp btw, hehehe, spread the jaesu lurve~ *gives you jaesu cookies*
i love ur writing style it's so fresh still wish the chaps were longer but who cares if the is smut,nae?^_=
But noooo, Jaesu love! T.T
Their mom's funeral made me sad. Not the way these things are supposed to be at all. T.T
On to the next chapter! >D
My retinas are fine, but thanks for your concern~ 8'D
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