now you see me, now you don't

Mar 07, 2011 11:45

First, I wanna pimp another friending meme. It just started over the weekend, so I'm not that late to the party.
(Why do my pimping images always have that huge gap under them? How do I get rid of that? Anyone know?)

I know I've been pretty absent lately. One of my amazing flisters sent me a PM asking me if I was still alive, so I guess it's time I ( Read more... )

pimping, real life rambling

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Comments 15

shallowz March 7 2011, 18:09:46 UTC
Oh poo. We'll be here when you get back. No worries! Take care of yourself.:)


wynefred March 7 2011, 18:40:16 UTC
Aw, thanks ladies! I'm trying. Apparently, I'm taking a few hours for myself today. Hadn't intended it, but I must need it.

Oh, and I've got another story floating around in my head. Heh. I jotted down some rough ideas but I'm not letting myself really work on it. I could waste an entire day on it if I wanted to. If I do ever finish it, I'm hoping to beta it myself using your tips. See if it turns out okay. Thanks for everything you've done for me!

*hugs you both*


gaelicspirit March 7 2011, 18:20:47 UTC
You have been missed. I'm sorry to hear you're working so much, but pleased to hear you're able to. :) If that makes sense.

*hugs you back*

Hang in there -- we'll be here when you've more time.


wynefred March 7 2011, 18:41:50 UTC
Thanks Gaelic. I'm excited about reading your thoughts on the last few episodes. I've missed your insight and humor. Soon. I'll catch up soon!


si_star_x March 7 2011, 18:28:53 UTC
I have only ever stumbled across Stargate SG-1 *once* and I got the best h/c episode ever. Jack with a broken leg and ribs = awesome. Then I started reading fic but never saw it again!


wynefred March 7 2011, 18:49:57 UTC
Oh, SG-1 is full of yummy h/c! And all the main characters get a dose of it too. It's wonderful.

The episode you mentioned is called Solitudes from the first season. One of my favorites. I just re-watched that one with Sis.

It lasted 10 seasons, and all of them were just wonderful (even the 6th season when one of the main characters left). I highly recommend the series. Daniel Jackson is my favorite character, but I love them all. He gets the brunt of the h/c, though. My poor little woobie-man. lol.

Then the show branched out into Stargate Atlantis, where they like to whump Rodney McKay. Another good show.


si_star_x March 7 2011, 19:18:21 UTC
Ah, Solitudes... that's the one! ♥ It worked well as a stand-alone episode considering I hadn't seen any other. I spent a lot of time afterwards googling "post-solitudes" to find some yummy recovery goodness, and I did find some!

I have a tendency to just google h/c terms and read any fanfiction that is returned, so I have read my fair share of Daniel!Whump and I love that as well. He is adorable -- so easy to hurt and snuggle.


tracys_dream March 7 2011, 18:58:01 UTC
Good to hear from you.
MRSA sounds quite scary but I'm glad you're on the mend.
And I'm sure your sister will love Dark Angel if she gives it a try. I still LOVE Dark Angel!


wynefred March 7 2011, 19:24:07 UTC
Thanks! Yeah, the MRSA is kinda scary. I just get tired of the snakeskin legs. Not pretty.

I think she might like Dark Angel, but really the hero/mutant thing isn't her style. She'd watch it for Jensen, but since doesn't show up until S2 I'm not sure she'd give it a chance. I'm not going to push her, though. SG-1 is a huge step!


tracys_dream March 7 2011, 19:31:03 UTC
Jensen was also in Pollo Loco(#1.16) as Ben. I love the scene with him and Max near the end.


wynefred March 7 2011, 19:50:58 UTC
I know. Ben and Max were so beautiful together. I'll just have to see if she'll be interested, but it'll be a long while before I even bring it up. She's got alot going on right now, what with having 10 seasons of SG-1 to catch up on, plus possibly 5 seasons of SGA and a couple of movies. Heh.


raloria March 7 2011, 19:41:33 UTC
*poke poke* Hee! :D

Ok, so now I feel a little bad about bugging you. You've had a lot going on. That MRSA is awful! I'm so sorry you're still dealing with that. :( Hope you find some relief soon!

Get her to watch DA! It's got Jensen after all. ;)
Actually it's a good show even without him.

*hugs* Glad to see you back. :D


wynefred March 7 2011, 20:00:50 UTC
Nah. Don't feel bad. I'm glad you did. Made me feel loved and special and all that. :D

It's mostly just work that's taking up my time. The MRSA thing is just a couple of minutes twice a day to clean and slime up my legs. This stuff is like the thickest antibiotic ointment you've ever seen!

I'll ask her about DA, probably closer to the con. If she's interested, I'll definitely whip it out! Honestly, I don't think she will be, though. It's not her usual thing. Maybe she'll let me show her some of the highlights.. young Jensen is so pretty!


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