now you see me, now you don't

Mar 07, 2011 11:45

First, I wanna pimp another friending meme. It just started over the weekend, so I'm not that late to the party.
(Why do my pimping images always have that huge gap under them? How do I get rid of that? Anyone know?)

I know I've been pretty absent lately. One of my amazing flisters sent me a PM asking me if I was still alive, so I guess it's time I stopped long enough to update all of you. Not that it's very interesting, but at least now you'll know.

I'm working. A lot. Like 12+ hours a day. Whenever I'm not working, I'm "relaxing" in front of the TV with family while still going through my files. I haven't let myself even lurk much on LJ, facebook, twitter, or anything fun for a few weeks because it's too distracting. It's okay; I'm not overly stressed or exhausted. I'm actually keeping a pretty regular and mostly comfortable pace. I'm trying to get my latest batch of reports closed out early enough that I'll have a month or so before the next big wave is due. That way, I can take a week or two off next month to pack up that house I still rent. Oh yeah, that.

That stupid house plagues my dreams and keeps me awake at night. I need to get it packed up and DONE. I'm so tired of thinking about it, not to mention paying for it! Unfortunately, my job has always required regular overtime, so finding time to take care of my personal life is a struggle.

What else? Oh, I'm still dealing with the MRSA attack from back in August last year. My legs still break out in little sores that won't heal and get water-filled bubbles under the skin. The most disturbing thing, though, is that my skin looks and feels tough and scaly, like snake skin. I saw my doctor about it last month and he prescribed a sticky ointment. It's helping, sorta, but I don't feel like it's getting rid of the problem. I'm going to use all 4 refills (I've got 2 left) before I hunt him down and make him do something more drastic. Even if he is able to get rid of the sores and snake scales, I'm so scarred and pot-marked now that I'll never have nice legs again. Stupid MRSA. Can't really complain, though. I've heard of far worse stories than mine.

The two-year old has started calling me by my first name and dropping the "Aunt". I'm a little hurt and disappointed. I know she's doing it because she's trying to establish her two-year-old independence, but my heart still breaks a little every time. She still calls my brothers "uncle" so it's just me right now.

Sis grudgingly consented to give Stargate SG-1 a chance. She watched the first couple of episodes saying that, yeah, she kinda liked it, it was okay, not bad, etc. Several episodes later she was putting the kids to bed early so she could start the next one. By the end of Season 1 she was watching them in front of the kids. This morning she was watching one without me (of course, I gave her permission to, but still... ). I think she's hooked! And I'm so pleased! Yay! Another fun show I can share with her! Woot! Now if only I could get her into Firefly, Dark Angel, and Mutant X, I'd be all set. *grin*

So that's it. Now you're caught up on my exciting life. I'm probably gonna disappear for a while again. I've got a deadline and I intend to meet it. *determined face*

I miss you all. I know I haven't commented on many of your LJs in a couple of weeks and you've probably had some pretty interesting/stressful/emotional things you needed a friend for. Sorry I haven't been that friend. Give me a few more weeks and then I'll try to be a good friend again (at least until the next big deadline looms).

Hugs to you all!


pimping, real life rambling

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