Intro Post

Feb 21, 2020 10:02

My profile has gotten so long that it's annoying even me. Time to plop some of that into a sticky post. My first. *iz excited* What? I'm easily entertained. :D

I'm in my 40s, single, no kids of my own. I'm currently living with my sister, her husband, and their five kids. I talk about them a lot. My sister is my best friend and has her own LJ (justine_andrews ), though she's not really active on LJ anymore. *sniffles*

I'm the second of five kids. In addition to my only sister, I have three brothers: one older and two younger. We're all adults by now, the youngest being in his mid-twenties.  Only one sibling does not share our current obsession, Supernatural, but we love him anyway. *grin*

ETA: I have been blessed with two more sisters. My parents, (in their 60s) had been fostering two sweet little girls for the past couple of years. When they became eligible for adoption, my parents decided they didn't want these girls to have to start over again with a new family. They'd been raised with us, so they stayed with us. My new sisters are 38 and 40 years younger than me, but I love them dearly!

My Friending Policy
My LJ is mostly public with a few private flocked posts. Feel free to friend me, but please leave me a comment or send me a PM if you want me to friend you back since I don't do that automatically. However, I do love making new friends and understand what it's like to be new to LJ. All it takes is a quick note to catch my attention. I don't bite (really, I'm on a restricted diet that doesn't include human).

My Journal
Ideally, this LJ is a fun place where my friends and I can freely chat with each other without having to keep the defensive shields as firmly in place. There haven't been any problems here since all my flisties are reasonable, mature adults. However, in an effort to be proactive, there are a few things I ask everyone to keep in mind:
  • Slash or Wincest - If you get into these, that's fine; we can still be friends. Just please don't discuss them here or use icons or graphics depicting slash or wincest. There are enough places on LJ welcoming these things that I don't have a problem with banning them here.
  • Character Bashing, Writer Bashing, or general Show Bashing - While I enjoy a good discussion, debate, and the occasional rant, supported by solid arguments and genuine opinions, I don't care for wanton bashing of Supernatural, it's cast, crew, writers, etc (or of any other shows, for that matter). Let's play nicely, people.
  • Actor Bashing - Please don't wank on any of the actors on shows discussed here. The actors work very hard to provide us with entertainment and deserve our respect even if we can't give them our love or admiration. I also won't tolerate any bashing of Jensen's and Jared's lovely wives, Danneel Harris and Genevieve Cortese. Of course, voicing your opinion isn't wank or bashing; I just ask that everyone keep it civil.
My Obsessions
Supernatural is my current fandom. I typically only participate in one fandom at a time since it takes up so much of my personal life. I adore Jensen Ackles and his character, Dean Winchester. I'm also partial to his co-star, Jared Padelecki, and Dean's brother Sam. I admire both the Winchester brothers and the very talented actors who work so hard to bring them to life.

I was originally drawn to Supernatural by the beautifully complex brotherly love that the show displays and will gladly laugh, sniffle, and huggle with my fellow fans about it any time! The other major draw for me (besides the cuties on my TV screen) was the full array of angst provided by this show. My whumper's heart sings with joy... or cries great tears of woe, which is just as fun.

My favorite things about Supernatural (in no specific order) are:
  • Dean and all things Deanish.
  • Dean's hands, eyes, freckles, arms, eyelashes, etc, etc, etc.
  • Dean's ring, leather jacket, and amulet (which Sam had BETTER have saved from the trash!).
  • Dark!Sam in all his glory.
  • The Impala.
  • Dean leaning on or against the Impala, patting the Impala lovingly, talking sweetly to her, or otherwise bonding with his baby.
  • Whump and angst... oh, the agonizing thrill.
  • Mantears. Those perfect, beautiful mantears of pain.
  • Brotherly love; brotherly hate; Brotherly HUGS.
  • Demon!Dean! How I wish we'd had just a few more episodes with him!
  • Did I mention Dean yet? Dean. Dean happy, Dean sad, Dean playful, Dean serious, Dean, Dean, Dean... Dean.
Comment-fic memes have become my latest obsession. They're a prefect way to participate in the wonderful world of fanfic without actually being a fic writer, which is great for me since I'm NOT. I did experience one unexpected side effect, however. Because of these memes, I have actually dabbled with a few little fics of my own. I don't expect to write more, but then I didn't expect to write these in the first place. I think it's the atmosphere of creativity, the group support, and the informal setting that create an environment that inspires even a non-writer like me to put pen to paper, draft a story, and then post it for public review. I encourage everyone to join in the fun as a prompter, an author, or both. You never know what you can do until you try!

My Fics
  • Good Samaritans - Outsider POV. Ahead of them, a vehicle sprawled across their lane. The black tire treads burned into the pavement painted the car's erratic path from the opposite lane. The front of the car wrapped around a sturdy tree trunk, the hood warped and crumpled. Smoke billowed around the twisted metal and flames licked here and there. 4,750 words.
  • Sweet Vengeance, Sweet Relief - There's a succubus... and a little Dean doing what Dean does best (and I don't mean hunting). 2,800 words.
  • Unsung Heroes - This is the story of the time two brothers saved us from an unimaginable creature. Outsider POV. 1,800 words.
  • Worth Every Penny - The latest hunt leaves Dean struggling to cope. Lots of angst and brotherly moments. Set early S2. 1,600 words.
  • Potter's Clay - Sam becomes the next victim in a string of disappearances. Parts 6/6. 10,300 words.
  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Pre-series. Dean knows that the little tree topper Sammy bought for their Christmas tree is cursed. Too bad his family can't see how evil it is. 1,800 words.
  • Hear the Wind Blow - How do you fight what you can't see? This entire fic is just an excuse for a little hurt Dean. 2,300 words.
  • The Air I Breathe - Dean's good looks get him in trouble with a woman who turns out to be more than he can handle, and it's John to the rescue. Some angst and whumpage and badass John. Set pre-series right after Sam left for Stanford. 3,300 words.
  • Over the dust of a ghostly trail - Pre-series. Dean is injured while on a hunt at a renovated Montana dude ranch. 2,100 words.
  • Never mess with a Dodge Ram man - Dean meets the town jerk. 850 words. Also see If you can't Ram it, Dodge it - Sequel to Never mess with a Dodge Ram man. Dean gets his revenge. 980 words.
  • Another Christmas - Dean's having a rotten Christmas. He's got an itchy cast on his leg, there's nothing on TV but Christmas shows, Sam's still not back with food... and his leg friggin ITCHES. 1,300 words.
  • Normal Life (Originally Untitled) - Dean promised Sammy he'd live a normal, apple pie life. And that's just what he's doing. My first fanfic. 5.22 coda. 375 words.
I've also written quite a few drabbles (self-contained fics of exactly 100 words long) on You can find a complete list of my drabbles there or search my lj using my "fic - mine" tag, though I may not have posted all my drabbles here.

My Collaborative Fics
These are fics I've written with other Supernatural fans and are posted on Enjoy!
  • There'll Be Peace - After the djinn attack, Dean hadn't been acting like himself. Sam does what he can to help his brother cope. Co-written with Woman of Letters. Words: 2,598
  • Passing in the Night - When a young hunter breaks into her bar, Jo defends her territory. But can she defend her heart? A series of 100-word drabbles from Jo's perspective, written with Woman of Letters for Mali Bear's Buddy's birthday. Words: 785
  • A Very Supernatural Journey - My first round-robin project, posted on Woman of Letters' page. Complete! Rachelle, SPN fan and accomplished fanfic writer, goes on her very own adventure with Sam and Dean. Co-written by Woman of Letters, mainegirlwrites, The Ymp and Wynefred. Personal note: I found working with this talented group of people to be exciting and challenging. They brought out the best in me. Our finished product is much better than I could ever have imagined and I'm extremely proud of it. Well worth the read. Trust me! Words: 52,656.
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