grabbing a few minutes to play

Dec 04, 2010 12:33

I'm babysitting the girls today (my sister's two and my parent's one foster), and the little ones are asleep. I'm torn between wanting to play online and taking a nap myself while they're down. Guess the internet obsession is stronger than the need to catch up on sleep. Heh.

I found that talulababy posted some Christmas headers (with animated gifs) a few ( Read more... )

real life rambling

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Comments 9

saurina December 4 2010, 18:51:30 UTC
Sorry hun, I'm no good at these kind of things.

But I do know about sleep deprevation due to too much time online and it will bite you in the a&& if you don't take care lol!

Have a great weekend dear *hugs tight*


wynefred December 4 2010, 19:19:03 UTC
S'ok. Obviously, I'm not very good at it either. :D

In all honesty, I really shouldn't've been sleeping anyway. I still had one girl awake. She's probably old enough that she could've played nicely while I napped, but since she's not my daughter I didn't want to risk it. Besides, one of the little ones was napping on my bed.

You too, sweetie! *hugs back*


savedean December 4 2010, 20:20:13 UTC
Yeah, that's hotlinking. I did that the other day with a gif on my sidebar *headdesk* I get confused with that though. Obviously hotlinking is bad cause it pulls down their upload, but then they say not to re-post. Of course I get that too, but I wonder if they just mean, to not re-post on tumblr or something like that, you know? Cause obviously we'd have to post it on photobucket or something ourselves to get our own URL.


wynefred December 4 2010, 21:33:01 UTC
Yeah, that's what I thought. So, I'm still not sure how to use these lovely headers that she said we could use. *sigh*

Well, I've still got one that wishflthinkr made. It's just that these are animated! lol


savedean December 4 2010, 21:38:33 UTC
Send her a message and ask her!


wynefred December 4 2010, 21:45:12 UTC
That's just too simple! Hee.


talulababy December 6 2010, 05:07:48 UTC
Hi, I got a pingback about this post so I decided to take a look.

You're right. If you using the url that link back to my Photobucket that's hotlinking which is bandwidth stealing. If you want to use any of the headers on your LJ you can right click to save the header you want then upload it to Photobucket or any other host site that support animation (LJ scrapbook doesn't support animation). And they will provide you a direct url to add to your layout css. Photobucket gives you basic free account that you can easily use.

Hope this help. Let me know if have any question. :)


wynefred December 6 2010, 13:33:00 UTC
I completely forgot about pingbacks.

I hadn't considered saving directly from your post since I thought that would save them in the little size, but I'll certainly play with it. I had absolutely no intention of hotlinking your stuff!

Your headers are gorgeous. Thanks for the info and for providing these lovely headers!


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