grabbing a few minutes to play

Dec 04, 2010 12:33

I'm babysitting the girls today (my sister's two and my parent's one foster), and the little ones are asleep. I'm torn between wanting to play online and taking a nap myself while they're down. Guess the internet obsession is stronger than the need to catch up on sleep. Heh.

I found that talulababy posted some Christmas headers (with animated gifs) a few years ago. Problem is that I can pull them up but I can't save them to my computer. There's a URL shown for posting on LJ, but isn't that hotlinking? Using her bandwidth instead of my own? How do I save this to my computer so I can use it as a header on my LJ? Anyone have any suggestions?

Hope you're all doing well. *hugs*

real life rambling

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