
Nov 01, 2010 15:34

I have a new header and journal style. I went all brown. With smiling boys from one of the conventions (don't remember which one ( Read more... )

real life rambling

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Comments 36

shallowz November 1 2010, 20:57:14 UTC
Header - yummy!

Halloween was wimpy around here as well. Maybe it falling on a Sunday was the reason.

You're moving?

SPN - always yummy.:D


wynefred November 1 2010, 21:14:54 UTC
Glad you like the header. It makes me happy. :D

My city officially celebrated Halloween on Saturday. But, yeah, I think it confused people.

Moving into my sister's house with her husband and 3 kids. It'll be a win-win for both of us... we'll both reduce our rent/mortgage payments and be able to hang out more often. It also means that I'll go from a quiet single hermitty existence to a loud active family home. It's going to be a bit of culture shock, but I think it'll be fun.

SPN is always yummy.

BTW, I love your beautiful icon.


txgirl0302 November 1 2010, 20:57:36 UTC
LOVE the new header! Jensen's smile is so damn contagious lol.

Trick-or-treating isn't like it used to be. We used to go for hours when I was a kid, usually stopping because he had no more room in our baskets/bags. My sisters were gone an hour :(.

The vamp!Dean episode was...guh. I've watched it an insane amount times already lol. I'm so curious to what is going to happen with Sam it's just eating at me. This season is just bringing it IMO. I know some don't feel the same way, but I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

Good luck with the packing!!


wynefred November 1 2010, 21:21:22 UTC
Isn't it, though!?!

Maybe it was just a fluke this year, at least for my neighborhood. Buy, yeah, in general it's changed. People don't trust their neighbors like they used to. It's sad, really.

ME TOO! My sister and I were discussing this season and how the fandom is split. She's a Sam-girl and isn't enjoying the new Sam AT ALL, where I'm drooling over him. This season is so rockin'! But really, that vampDean. Epic win. :D

Thanks! I could use the luck. And about 10 extra hands. And a magic wish faerie who'll whisk it all away for me.


txgirl0302 November 1 2010, 21:30:10 UTC
ME TOO! My sister and I were discussing this season and how the fandom is split. She's a Sam-girl and isn't enjoying the new Sam AT ALL, where I'm drooling over him.

This! It's different and refreshing and Jared is doing an awesome job. At times I so mad at Sam, other times I'm recoiling from the TV and other times I want to just cuddle him and make it all better.

I could use that fairy too. So if you somehow conjure one up, send it my way!


wynefred November 1 2010, 22:29:05 UTC
Word. The show has never scared me... I just don't get into that aspect of it... but there have been times when he's actually creeped me out this season!

You bet! If a sweet little fairy is ever dumb enough to get herself bound to me, I'm gonna use and abuse her for all she's worth. I'm gonna slave her out to all my friends! Heh.


doylescordy November 1 2010, 21:15:49 UTC
Traditional trick-or-treating is on the decline. Society's changing. More kids are going to shopping malls, shopping centers, church-sponsored "trunk or treat" events and so forth. I handed out candy to roughly 200 kids at our church's "trunk or treat" last night.

My favorite episode this season so far was actually the Bobby episode.


wynefred November 1 2010, 21:24:22 UTC
You're right. My sister has been taking her kids to local churches and fire stations for years now. I just didn't expect such a significant change from last year to this year. It took me completely by surprise.

I liked that episode. A lot. I just loved the VampDean more. I have a thing for vampires. There actually hasn't been a bad episode yet this season!


metallidean_grl November 1 2010, 21:27:23 UTC
Interesting that you had fewer kids than normal. I am sure Sunday might have had something to do with it. I know everyone in my church congregation and others would not go trick or treating on a Sunday, so it might be that way with other churches as well. Who knows. But I do agree with txgirl0302's comments about the whole thing changing. It is different than what it used to be, especially from when we were kids.

Good luck with the packing. Do not envy you one bit. What is your official move out date now? Have you tried the internet at your sister's for several hours during the day? Does it work to the requirements you need for your work?

As to SPN so far this year? It is killing me, literally. Week after week it is just breaking my heart. I don't know how much more I can stand it.


wynefred November 1 2010, 22:18:17 UTC
It's possible that the day threw people off. Owensboro celebrated on Saturday and announced it pretty thoroughly, so everyone should have been ready. I'm guessing that everyone went to the more organized events rather than going door-to-door. My brother also reminded me that several of my neighbors have moved out, so some of the homes around me were dark. This would have dissuaded families from coming up our street.

Thanks! Still moving out on Nov 30. No, I haven't had a long stretch with the internet at my sister's yet since she hasn't made space for me. Hopefully by the end of this week I'll be living in her home and able to play with her internet. I expect it to be fine from the little I've played with her internet.

lol. You'll stand it. Because not watching would hurt worse.


metallidean_grl November 1 2010, 22:36:15 UTC
Having a street of empty houses would indeed dissuade trick or treaters from coming down your block.

November 30, you still have two months, that's a good amount of time. Glad the internet will work out for you. The biggest thing will be adjusting to having no one around to having a whole family around. But it appears you are over there a lot, so it shouldn't be too much of an adjustment. If that were me, it would be a huge adjustment, being that I am alone most days and not around kids a lot.

Yea, I'll stand it and not watching would be far worse, you are right. But still, I think this season has been harder for me than all the rest combined. On so many levels. I just hope we can get some warm fuzzies real soon, because I really need some.


wynefred November 1 2010, 22:44:10 UTC
Actually, November 30 is only 29 days from now. The end of this month. :D
You're right, I'm over there alot, so it won't be a total shock.

Yes, we need some warm fuzzies. Maybe after youknowwho gets his youknowwhat back.


wishflthinkr November 1 2010, 21:40:39 UTC
Oooohhhhh purty new header!


wynefred November 1 2010, 22:20:13 UTC
Thanks! Yup, it's purty. :D


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