(no subject)

Nov 01, 2010 15:34

I have a new header and journal style. I went all brown. With smiling boys from one of the conventions (don't remember which one).

This weekend was Halloween. Last year, I managed to buy exactly enough candy. I split the last of it between the half-dozen pre-teens who showed up at my door after dark, turned out my porch light, and called it a successful night. This year, I bought a similar amount of candy and waited for the monsters, heroes, and princesses to arrive. And I waited. And waited some more. I don't know what happened, but I had only a handful of trick-or-treaters this year. And almost all of my candy is left!!

I'm putting some of it away for Christmas... we use mini candy bars and rolos for Christmas candy and sometimes have a hard time finding what we need for the holidays. This year, we've got most of it in advance thanks to my skimpy Halloween. The rest I'm donating to a local shelter. Getting it out of my house!

I'm into packing up my house full-force now. I've changed my work schedule so that I'm off between 2:00 and 3:00 PM. That gives me several prime hours for packing and running errands.

Still loving the new SPN season! My favorite so far is still the Vamp!Dean episode. Yum. But last week's was good too. I'm excited to find out what's going on with Sam.


real life rambling

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