my shiny new icons!

Oct 25, 2010 05:43

raloria has been very sweetly listening to me complain these last few days that I haven't found the SPN 6.05 icons I want. Of course, if I knew what I wanted my search might have been a bit more fruitful. Unfortunately, I wasn't very clear even in my own head. I just knew that even my favorite artists weren't capturing quite the feel I was looking for. Granted, it's early and some of my favorite people haven't even posted their work yet... but I'm an impatient child.

Instead of just commiserating and letting me exercise my patience muscles (I swear they've atrophied), raloria decided to make me whatever it was I was looking for. And she hit it! Right on the nail! Lookit! My shiny new icons:


Aren't they gorgeous?? Thanks so much, hon! And the single fang one came out so much better than I'd even hoped! Yay!!!!
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