Full Disclosure (1/1)

Nov 21, 2011 15:42

Title: Full Disclosure
Author: wrldpossibility
Fandom: Castle
Characters: Castle/Beckett
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None, unless you count the 'Away in the Woods' universe.
Summary:Castle knew she had to tell them sometime...
Author's Note: This is just a little one-shot in the Away in the Woods universe, one of the few I wrote following the last ( Read more... )

castle, away in the woods

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Comments 31

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wrldpossibility November 22 2011, 02:20:41 UTC
Thank you! I can totally see her telling him to get it together, so I had to add that!


bluewillowtree November 22 2011, 00:16:00 UTC
I'm now grinning like an idiot too! Awesome is the very word!

I'm so glad you're writing more in this universe, which is so very much fun :)


wrldpossibility November 22 2011, 02:20:58 UTC
Thanks! It's a lot of fun to write!


sparkles_mouse November 22 2011, 01:00:01 UTC
You write them so in character. I admire )and envy) that so much. Loved this. Wish it was real!


wrldpossibility November 22 2011, 02:21:30 UTC
Thanks! It'd be fun if it were on the screen, but I guess that's what fic is made for. ;)


mmk_elevenn November 22 2011, 01:26:29 UTC
This made me smile so much!


wrldpossibility November 22 2011, 02:21:44 UTC
So glad!


sunshine_minx November 22 2011, 01:48:10 UTC
Aww! That WAS totally fun. I loved her last line: "It felt pretty awesome."

I can't wait for more one-shots!


wrldpossibility November 22 2011, 02:22:06 UTC
Thank you! *g*


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