Full Disclosure (1/1)

Nov 21, 2011 15:42

Title: Full Disclosure
Author: wrldpossibility
Fandom: Castle
Characters: Castle/Beckett
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None, unless you count the 'Away in the Woods' universe.
Summary:Castle knew she had to tell them sometime...
Author's Note: This is just a little one-shot in the Away in the Woods universe, one of the few I wrote following the last installment of that fic. In this ficlet, Beckett has some news for the precinct...

Kate knows it’s not technically the ‘morning after’ (that was yesterday), but it certainly feels like it. She anticipates beating Castle to the precinct (she usually does), but he surprises her at the entrance of the building by the elevator bank. If she had to guess, she’d say he’d been hovering there, waiting on her. He slides into the elevator next to her, jabbing the door-close button the second he’s within reach. He waits for the metal slabs to meet, then says quickly, “What do you think? Are you going to tell them? Do you want me to?”

She glances at him in alarm; he’s actually sweating.

“I got it, Castle.”

“Are you sure? Do you want to wait?”

The doors open, and she steps out, shaking off his hand trying to grab at her arm. “Get it together,” she hisses.

In the bull pen, she calls everyone over. “Two orders of business,” she tells them. “First, we have a new case. Vic is…” she consults her notes. “Male Caucasian, approximately 40-50 years old. Restaurant patrons at the 30th Ave Bistro witnessed a pretty heated argument between him and a woman, also Cauc, significantly younger. Ten minutes later, an unfortunate busboy finds him dead in the bathroom.” She waits for her detectives to jot down the details.

“Secondly.” She gestures casually in the direction of Castle, who sits up straight like he’s just been caught not listening in class. She carries on as if she hasn’t noticed. “In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that Castle and I are in a relationship. Yes, it’s new, and no, it’s not casual.” She can’t resist: “I’d venture to say it’s serious as hell.” She makes a show of looking back at her clipboard, then up again briskly. “I will now take questions on the first order of business.”

A silent room stares back at her. “No one?” She waits, purposely avoiding Castle’s eyes, which are bugging out of his head. “Ok then. Esposito, you and Ryan saddle up and hit the restaurant. Find out who saw what, then knock on some doors. I’ll interview the girlfriend. They’re bringing her in now.” She turns to leave while everyone else stays rooted in place. “Castle!” He jumps, and she looks at him pointedly. “You’re with me.”

Thirty seconds later, they’re back in the elevator, descending to the ground floor to meet the uniform. Castle’s literally bouncing on the balls of his feet. “That. Was. Awesome!”

She tries not to smile at the way his voice has risen half an octave with each word, she really does, but by the time they bump to a halt and step back into the lobby, cool professionalism has finally eluded her. “You know what?” She grins back at him like an idiot (and doesn’t even care). “It felt pretty awesome.”

castle, away in the woods

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