Away in the Woods (3/3)

Nov 16, 2011 18:32

Title: Away in the Woods
Author: wrldpossibility
Fandom: Castle
Chapter: 3
Characters: Castle/Beckett
Word Count: 3350
Rating: R to NC-17 (finally, we're getting somewhere!)
Spoilers: For S4
Summary:Beckett and Castle are banished to her father's cabin in the woods. Alone. For days. Make of that what you will.
Author's Note: I had this finished two days ago, but ( Read more... )

castle, away in the woods

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Comments 32

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wrldpossibility November 17 2011, 13:47:22 UTC
Thank you so much! Glad you liked it, and that their actions rang true for you.


sunshine_minx November 17 2011, 03:57:30 UTC
“And anyway, who would we be trying to hide this from? A precinct full of detectives?”

He agrees. “And my mother. Don’t forget about my mother.” She laughs, but he’s not kidding. “Seriously, I’m going to walk in the door, and she’s going to know.”

Now I want THAT fic. When he goes home, and Martha knows...

Excellent. This was fantastic, because it totally didn't RUSH, and I love how all of the happy sex goodness happened in part three. So there was all that wonderful buildup.

I loved it!


wrldpossibility November 17 2011, 13:46:21 UTC
Yes, I've written that fic. *g* I couldn't help myself. Be looking for it in the next week or so.'ll be the death of me.

Thanks for reading this one!


bluewillowtree November 18 2011, 05:48:17 UTC
I'm so glad to hear you've written that fic, because I also immediately wanted to read it when I saw that line. Looking forward to it!


thefallingapple November 17 2011, 04:40:18 UTC
This is bittersweet, because I've been really looking forward to this but now it's over!

I think this is so true to character. The way that Kate gears herself up for the confession and then when she gets thrown off she evades is *so* her. And I really love that Castle gets fed up and angry and then just makes her hear him whether she likes it or not.

Also, can I just say that the way you string words together is so beautiful? It's always such a pleasure to read your writing.


wrldpossibility November 17 2011, 13:45:26 UTC
Thank you! For some sick reason, I find I enjoy toying with Kate in fic. *g*


sparkles_mouse November 17 2011, 06:18:56 UTC
sharing it with Castle is…confusing and terrifying and confusingly terrifying - I love your wording here ( ... )


wrldpossibility November 17 2011, 13:41:31 UTC
I know I don't know your name but I'm thisclose to proposing to you after vomiting up my undying love for you.

LOL. Let's start as friends, and see how that goes. ;) I friended you, because all my other Castle fic is f-locked. You can find it via my castle tag once you friend me.

Thank you for the review. Made me smile at 5:30 in the morning as I checked my email, so that's pretty big!


sparkles_mouse November 17 2011, 15:27:17 UTC
Oh yes friends. It seems so simple and so less forward :) I've added you back, thanks!. Can't wait to read them.


wrldpossibility November 17 2011, 20:02:11 UTC
LOL. Looking forward to it!


scribblecat November 17 2011, 07:44:00 UTC
I loved this er...conclusion! But it's just a beginning isn't it :)

The dialogue was so them and perfect. I find it a bit difficult to see how they would be when they were that intimate, in terms of words and relating (not the actual 'relating', oh you know what I mean) but you made it really believable, it's so them.

This was wonderful fic, thankyou!


wrldpossibility November 17 2011, 13:42:40 UTC
Thanks hon! I agree that it's hard to picture...I've always thought so, too. Did you catch the PB Easter egg in this one? Hmm?


scribblecat November 17 2011, 22:55:48 UTC
I caught the 'about before', was that the one? lol.


wrldpossibility November 18 2011, 00:31:39 UTC
Yah, I thought it was pretty obvious! *g*


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