Title: Nemo Vir Est Qui Mundum Non Reddat Meliorem
writteninhaste previously
feathergirl89Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Content of asexual nature. Violence. Mentions of abortion. Girl!Merlin (after a fashion)
Spoilers: Spoilers for Kingdom of Heaven (sort of) and for Merlin: Season 1
Notes: Written for the
reel_merlin movie prompt Kingdom of Heaven . Many thanks to my anonymous non-
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Comments 12
It was amazingly well written, but so, so sad. Be well
In the water, the ghost of Arthur stood beside him, running a hand softly over Merlin’s hair, pressing his lips to the skin of Merlin’s temple.
This line really had me tearing up. GUH. You're writing throughout didn't help much either, being all gorgeously descriptive and heartbreaking. God, Merlin.
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