Jun 02, 2010 04:01
- 23:26 The Rap version of Dark Crystal on Robot Chicken is genius. Creepy as hell, but then the real version was too. #
- 23:29 I bet the Gulf of Mexico is gonna look awesome from space when some jackass realizes you can probably light it on fire. #
Jun 01, 2010 04:01
- 21:08 Weekend of hiking and roofing makes for a sleepy (and sore) Billy. #
- 22:27 Time to turn it in. Tomorrow is gonna be my best Pinky and the Brain impersonation. Just not sure which one it'll be yet. #
May 31, 2010 04:01
- 11:36 The missus and I are going to try our hands at roofing. Wish us luck. #
May 27, 2010 04:01
- 22:09 Karate Kid >>>> Mutant Chronicles. #
May 23, 2010 04:01
- 23:36 The Dunwich Horror is horrifying. And dunwich-y. But mostly horrifying. #
May 20, 2010 04:00
- 14:51 <insert inappropriate pithy statement about some current event> #
May 19, 2010 04:00
- 19:04 Mandy is secretly sneaking country music. So sad. #
May 18, 2010 04:00
- 13:18 I promised myself I'd go home early and take a nap. Lets see if I can keep the promise or if I'm gonna be a douche and demand more work. #
- 21:03 The Net: You've watched it, you can't unwatch it. #
- 22:00 Van Der Beek versus the vampire zombie teenagers. Super awesome. #
May 16, 2010 04:01
- 22:54 Ugh. Worked last night. Worked all day today. Working more tomorrow. Hopefully the power outage doesn't require going in at 7am. This sux. #
May 14, 2010 04:01
- 12:51 Time-Out for lunch. Got the 3 x (Pancake, Egg, Bacon) lunch. Can barely keep eyes open and heart beating. Food=good, coma/heart attack=bad. #