Jul 14, 2010 04:01
- 20:30 Predators was a decent sequel to the original but was lacking some of the style of the original. Jesse the body makes everything better tho. #
Jul 03, 2010 04:00
- 20:35 Artspace...underwhelms. #
Jul 01, 2010 04:01
- 11:03 Farmhouse puts food in my face. Fantastic. #
- 20:22 It is amazing the amount of perspective one can attain when they are trying to avoid doing work. #
- 20:37 You know, I think being a heathen has worked out well for me. #
- 20:41 There is some next level crazy shit going on right now on Chiller. Tuned in and boom:some Cthulu-looking bad guy w/ a
( Read more... )
Jun 30, 2010 04:01
- 15:39 3 days gone from work and no voice mails. I guess I'm losing my sex appeal. #
Jun 27, 2010 04:01
- 02:19 I ate a burrito! #
- 02:19 Burrito update: delish! #
- 02:21 Burrito update: some of you just don't understand the substance of things... #
Jun 25, 2010 04:01
- 11:03 We have landed in FL and already partaken of the local Denny's. I am anything but unpredictable. #
Jun 24, 2010 04:01
- 08:54 This morning is already on the way to epic suckitude. #
- 21:14 Who's rocking out tonight?! Not me, I'm installing a SQL cluster. It makes me sad... #
- 21:55 Screw you MSSQL and your "Validate SCSI-3 Persistent Reservation failed". Maybe we should have checked that box in VMware... #
Jun 21, 2010 04:00
- 14:47 7 miles of hiking still kicking my ass. Not improving at rates I would like. #
- 14:47 Ugh. Migrating EO data to new domain is still going... Twenty four hours later. #
- 20:35 My useful skills for post-zombie apocalypse are lacking. IT, sports, and comic/movie trivia aren't going to help me much in the wasteland. #
Jun 20, 2010 04:00
- 21:14 Damn you History and National Geographic Channels for wasting most of my day. #