Conversations with my father II.

Sep 18, 2012 17:00

My Father: So what is Kallian going to do when he gets here in February? You said something about going to work in forensics... or at a University lab...?
Me: No, no, his job’s improved now so stuff has changed a bit; he’s staying over there and saving money before coming here. So, I’ll be in California for two years.
My Father: Ah, I see... How ( Read more... )

oast, hazard, meekle, family

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Comments 17

ginasketch September 18 2012, 16:29:35 UTC
Seems a lot of people are planning on possibly leaving the country later. I myself am thinking of going to Belize for 6 months to a year to study giant forest eagles if things don't improve for me here.

Plus "studying giant forest eagles" looks so much better on the CV than "depressed, unemployed loser."


wraithwitch September 18 2012, 17:20:32 UTC
Studying giant forest eagles sounds utterly fucking epic!


ginasketch September 18 2012, 18:15:53 UTC
Lookit the size of them!

... )


spacedmonkey September 18 2012, 18:43:26 UTC
The name doesn't lie.


spacedmonkey September 18 2012, 17:58:50 UTC
See, in this case, I feel far more like himself that John. Hard to explain.


wraithwitch September 18 2012, 23:03:41 UTC
Is that because you are extremely perceptive but currently feel bleak and brain exploady? Or that you fear the only potential match for you is a charming criminal whom you shouldn't touch with a barge pole? Or do you just really want a pipe and some 7%?


spacedmonkey September 19 2012, 04:57:51 UTC
All of the above and then some.


slavelabour September 19 2012, 03:50:20 UTC
Wat? I mean whut? California? Two years? Let me ask one more time, WHAT?


Heehee... wraithwitch September 19 2012, 09:53:41 UTC
Remember ages back when I said I was totally in the wrong part of the world to find a scruffy gunslinger?
I was half right.
A scruffy gunslinger managed to find me.
And if the story goes the way it looks like it's gonna go, then... Yeah. I'll be in your corner of the world for a couple of years =)


Re: Heehee... thegael_arcayne September 19 2012, 17:15:00 UTC
I'm thinking a road trip might be in order...


Re: Heehee... wraithwitch September 19 2012, 17:42:40 UTC
You might have to watch some Mag 7 first =)


themadone September 19 2012, 11:49:35 UTC

This is definitely something you don't want to rush. If for no other
reason then you should wait to see if they elect Romney as president cos
then you'd want to stay well clear of the US ;)


thegael_arcayne September 19 2012, 17:13:02 UTC
Well played! In light of recent events (and taking into account the stupidity of the average American {and not that it makes a huge difference, considering} I am not too sure that will happen (hopefully). Than again, the president is just a figurehead and does not matter. Puppets are puppets regardless of who is pulling the strings.

Oh, and nothing should stand in the way of Love. =)


anonymous September 21 2012, 11:00:57 UTC
Firstly: Rah! and possibly Congratulations

Secondly: If Rommney is elected, get out of the USA.
If you can't get out of the USA stay clear of the Chicago area.

Thirdly: (mwah) Well Done.


wraithwitch September 21 2012, 18:32:11 UTC
Heehee - thank you =)


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