Conversations with my father II.

Sep 18, 2012 17:00

My Father: So what is Kallian going to do when he gets here in February? You said something about going to work in forensics... or at a University lab...?
Me: No, no, his job’s improved now so stuff has changed a bit; he’s staying over there and saving money before coming here. So, I’ll be in California for two years.
My Father: Ah, I see... How ( Read more... )

oast, hazard, meekle, family

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slavelabour September 19 2012, 03:50:20 UTC
Wat? I mean whut? California? Two years? Let me ask one more time, WHAT?


Heehee... wraithwitch September 19 2012, 09:53:41 UTC
Remember ages back when I said I was totally in the wrong part of the world to find a scruffy gunslinger?
I was half right.
A scruffy gunslinger managed to find me.
And if the story goes the way it looks like it's gonna go, then... Yeah. I'll be in your corner of the world for a couple of years =)


Re: Heehee... thegael_arcayne September 19 2012, 17:15:00 UTC
I'm thinking a road trip might be in order...


Re: Heehee... wraithwitch September 19 2012, 17:42:40 UTC
You might have to watch some Mag 7 first =)


Re: Heehee... thegael_arcayne September 19 2012, 18:16:34 UTC
Yes ma'am!


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