Because it is his birthday.

Jan 06, 2012 23:20

And here is some of the more entertaining chaos that happened over winterfest.
Sherlock Holmes Visits the Oast... )

oast, sherlock holmes, winterfest

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Comments 11

Tram Scribbles spacedmonkey October 27 2012, 15:13:46 UTC
Largely because my notebook is getting full of scribbly bits ( ... )


Re: Tram Scribbles wraithwitch October 27 2012, 15:29:57 UTC
*laughs* the first and the last are my favourites =)
I love 'Do the charge per broken bone?' and also just picturing his look and tone for 'there's a tiny tree in the stairwell' heehee =)


Re: Tram Scribbles spacedmonkey October 27 2012, 15:33:12 UTC
Mainly just clearing my notebook of the scribbles that go in there at 6am. :)


Re: Tram Scribbles wraithwitch October 27 2012, 15:43:36 UTC
Vincent stood at the end of the bed, one arm across the brass rail, watching me as I sat huddled, sullen and insane amidst the duvet. “You’re always at war. What enemy is so ( ... )


Tram Scribbles 2 spacedmonkey October 27 2012, 15:32:17 UTC
"I could offer you my soloution to your black mood ( ... )


Re: Tram Scribbles 2 wraithwitch October 27 2012, 15:48:00 UTC
"You've already observed, so pack the music hall act in."

"Person, you cut me to the bone."

"You survive Moriarty, Moran and Mary and are slightled by a tired special needs teacher? Should I be concerned? Should I alert the papers?"

"You really should have tea in the morning; you're less pointy with tea."

*giggles* I like that little exchange very much.


Re: Tram Scribbles 2 spacedmonkey October 27 2012, 15:52:25 UTC
It cheered me, but it does the heart good to poke the consulting detective.


Tram Scribbles from February spacedmonkey March 30 2013, 08:16:31 UTC
"It is survivable you know ( ... )


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