I am so bloody predictable. Oh, and busy. Crazy busy. Oh gods - Katie.

Dec 18, 2011 17:03

Ebay stuff is finally dealt with, all I have to do now is transfer most of the funds to my father's account since it was all done at his behest, he owns the stuff and I get a percentage. (A 50% cut, I should point out before I sound too woe-begone ( Read more... )

oast, bitching, rant, winterfest

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Comments 10

anonymous_james December 18 2011, 18:03:57 UTC
A) Don't forget about ebay charges, is his share before or after those?
B) Is he going to give you the £40 for the dress, cos otherwise it's not fair of him to call you a skinflint is it?


wraithwitch December 18 2011, 19:13:25 UTC
a) all charges have been calculated and taken into account and paid for. The remaining profit is split =)
b) Heee, no. He probably would if I asked him, in fact I know he would, but I can't ask. Just one of those things. Besides, he was being facetious. Also I magicked the £40 from ebay sales, so my neurons can stop their whining =P


lucfia December 18 2011, 19:12:46 UTC
I have a blue/purple velvet dress you can have if you can do surgery on it..


wraithwitch December 18 2011, 19:15:20 UTC
Ooh - yes please! I would never say no to velvet dresses - and my neurons are definitely into sewing at the moment.

What might I send you in return?


lucfia December 18 2011, 19:17:24 UTC
call it a winterfeast gift or is you must send me something in the new year. :)


wraithwitch December 18 2011, 19:30:43 UTC
Thank you =)
I shall keep an eye out and see if I can find something random and pleasing for your neurons =)


w_a_i_d December 18 2011, 21:08:54 UTC
I think Katie should jolly well make her own stuff.


wraithwitch December 18 2011, 23:54:25 UTC
*smiles ruefully*

If it was me in her place, I would. I'd make alternative arrangements and try to make things as un-interruptive as possible even if I had to pawn organs to do it.

But, well, Katie isn't anything like me.

*sigh* I'll try to find out tomorrow exactly what her stance is and try to work out an alternate winterfest menu for her and Ben. Although I can't swear i won't bless their toast in the name of Anubis or their fruit salad in the name of Kee and Cher or something =P

Yeah, I am quite awful really =P


annwfyn December 18 2011, 22:31:41 UTC
This is a very mild point of curiosity, but if Katie and her husband were vegetarian would you feel the same about the whole thing?


wraithwitch December 18 2011, 23:46:56 UTC
Yep, entirely ( ... )


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