
Jan 02, 2011 02:03


What I've learned...I cannot send my mother to her room even if she’s behaving like a three year old. Propositions and offers of frolicking in fields are never the ones I’m looking for. You can catch a fever from a ghost, and cure it by cutting your hair. WWI stories and stress give me full blown hallucinations of the Somme. "Scar me, break ( Read more... )

dead days, prediction

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Comments 3

colonel_maxim January 2 2011, 11:22:26 UTC
Hang on in there, kiddo. Take care of yourself and avoid unnecessary jugulation.


wraithwitch January 2 2011, 12:31:09 UTC
Heh - that's the trouble really, if it comes to jugulation it's ever so necessary =P
Hope you had a shiny newyear eve and newyear day wasn't too brain-splittingly awful =)


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wraithwitch January 4 2011, 11:42:28 UTC
I could do with some changes. I just hope they *are* good =)

Tsk! - I take no blame for your navel gazing =P


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