
Jan 02, 2011 02:03


What I've learned...
I cannot send my mother to her room even if she’s behaving like a three year old. Propositions and offers of frolicking in fields are never the ones I’m looking for. You can catch a fever from a ghost, and cure it by cutting your hair. WWI stories and stress give me full blown hallucinations of the Somme. "Scar me, break me, kiss me, fuck me. Just visit, yeah?" - is quite the thing to find in your inbox. I like bruschetta and yellow tomatoes. I can warp time and space to vanish 14 boxes of stuff in my room (how is still a mystery). The universe lacks the budget for personal mythological guardians, so random south-london-boiz stand in and do a damn fine job. Sometimes I think everyone’s a potplant. There is an Other London. This is probably the coolest and weirdest video of the year: http://vimeo.com/7354877

What I've done...
Drank a hell of a lot of tea and and too much vodka. Found a Sherlock Holmes coat, a WWI jacket, a Sam Browne belt and a moonstone necklace to wear. Written: three Holmes stories, a Fey tale, the horrors of Belleau Wood, Arizona Tarot (incomplete), Guide to Corvidia, the Journal of Vanity Faire (unpublished), an ending for Javert, songs about Lasombra Pirates and Wretched Zombies and a lot of bitching on LJ. Drawn: two flowcharts, the Dials Witch, JHH, Javert, Goth chavs, tarot cards, and Shambly Duties cartoons. Painted: a Kitsune, Bedlam, and Necromancy jacket (but not Jack yet). Pierced my ear (again, making 10). Didn’t quite jugulate myself but made a decent attempt. Made pretty necklaces. Made weird necklaces. Made a pirate coat. Locked myself out of the flat. Won a treasure hunt in the National Gallery. Attended two weddings; one on the arm of an unseelie knight, the other unattended as a 1930s flapper. Worked out how to say ‘if we shag here they’ll get vexed’ in Kachina (which is really the same as Bastet which is very similar to ancient Egyptian). Sung badly to Les Miserables and kitchen wenched a lot.

Best things...?
Sherlock Holmes providing weeks of entertainment. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Slings & Arrows, the Armstrong and Miller airmen, Pirates of the Caribbean, Spooks, Black Books and Justified for similarly entertaining muchly. Greenwich Market. Silver cigarette cases. WWI bayonets. Envisaging Malaal in cutlass form. White Mischief I & II. Salvator Rosa paintings. Wine tasting - Latour Pauillac 1982. My brother’s wedding. Being sent emergency supplies and RedCross parcels from friends. Neuron niece. Fun dreams (including Ash’s ZG story ending - mwaha). Chitten watching. Laudanum. My sister saying nice things. Friends I do not deserve but somehow have anyways who are consistently amazingly lovely to me.

Worst things...?
(I could just put ‘my mother’s illness’ and leave it there, but let’s be a little more specific...) Looking into my mother’s eyes and seeing nothing at all looking back. Saying, “Stop crying, you’ve got nothing to cry about - other then dementia… shit.” Hearing ‘Ah-oh, oh, oh ah-oh ah oh ohh’ for days on end. Getting scribbly eyeballs. Making my father cry ‘cos I’d got a hole in my neck. Failing to write a rookery story or an M7 story although both are started and I know what I want to do with them. Failing to do a bunch of other stuff both life-wise and artistically. "I don't have a life in London. I have a room. There's a difference." - being a true and accurate statement. Blade’s rendition of ‘Fairweather Friend’ somehow summing up my life even though it doesn’t.

2011 - What I want to do...
To - somehow, fuck knows how - get the things I need. Which, in case you’re wondering, is a garret of my own, money from my art, someone I love who loves me and occasional doses of unreality and wonder. After that most other stuff falls into place or by the wayside. Although since I'm not feeling very optimistic right now maybe I should set my sights lower and say 'make rent each month'.


I’d lay a grand spread for the year but I don’t have my tarot. So instead I’ll just say that all things considered, 2010 was an amazingly shitty year for me. I’d very much like 2011 to be better and, for bonus points and a far bouncier happier Corvid, to give me one or more of the things I need. (I say ‘give’ because they’re not currently things I can achieve on my own without a lot of help on the universe’s behalf.)

dead days, prediction

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