Kerrist, no wonder I don't have a boyfriend.

Oct 23, 2010 23:53

"This one had it comming
This one found a vein
This one was an accident, but never gave me pain..."I am at the Oast. No one else is here. They left on friday. No one else will be here until monday eve. I am alone with my art and my thoughts and whatever ghosts, stories or internet friends flit through. It's very peaceful actually and generally ( Read more... )

gentlemen aren't nice, nights like these

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Comments 18

w_a_i_d October 24 2010, 10:13:10 UTC
I, on the other hand, think that being a human you probably DO want reassurance: and why the fuck not?

First, I think that was a bloody tactless thing of your friend to do. I mean, really? Yeah, if you know someone who cuts herself, I guess it's natural to be reminded of that person by a song about self-harm, but... to tell you, in essence, that you are "made of scars" ... yeah, that seems the exact opposite of helpful ( ... )


wraithwitch October 24 2010, 12:04:33 UTC
*shrugs* I dunno, he probably just thought 'it's a shouty rock song about scars and self harm - give it to Corvid!' I don't think there was anything else to it, I doubt it was meant to be pokey, just how my somewhat self-deprecating brain took it ( ... )


colonel_maxim October 24 2010, 11:18:09 UTC
I suspect that it would be irrelevant to say that I thought that you looked most fine and remember the various random people coming up and saying how most fine you look.
Take care and be well, m'dear.


bytepilot October 25 2010, 14:00:35 UTC
Dear heart.

You're hot, in a slightly unhinged way it must be said, but there's a certain undeniable wild sexiness about someone as unfettered by other people giving a damn as you often are.

There's at lease three people I know of who think you're gorgeous. Under other circumstances I'd blow you kisses myself**

So, don't worry about what "everyone else"* thinks, or how "everyone else"* sees you. That very freedom from their opinions marks you out as someone to be valued.

Also (mwah)

*Anything that "everyone" thinks aint so. Often by at least 10,000 to one.
**Those being the circumstances where you'd actually be interested in receiving kisses from me.


wraithwitch October 25 2010, 21:34:45 UTC
Three people? *mentally squints. counts maybe one and a half*

*smiles* 'tis true I don't spend a lot of time caring how others see me, but I do dislike it very much when I fail by my standards =/

How goes your world anyways dear boy?

There should be tea somewhen in salubrious surroundings =)


bytepilot October 26 2010, 10:20:43 UTC
One and a half ?
Dear oh dear, I think some of the people are perhaps being a little _too_ subtle. Walking the wrong side of the fine line between drooling over-eagerness and cold aloof disinterest.

Your own standards M'dear are set (in my not entirly humble opinion) a tad high, you're not a saint, nor are you the premier necromancer of the age.
You're a genuinely good person, and you have your own cadre of otherwordly contacts. Two things to be celebrated for their own account, rather than despised for not being "better".
Also, just because you've not succeeded yet does not mean you've failed.

My world ?
My world is balanced between two worlds, one side is full of the barely audible megacycle hum of stones learning to dream, the other focused on the tiny lub-dub of a newly minted heart.

Definitely. Tea, cake, and conversation centered around the way that life is actually rather sweet.


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