Kerrist, no wonder I don't have a boyfriend.

Oct 23, 2010 23:53

"This one had it comming
This one found a vein
This one was an accident, but never gave me pain..."I am at the Oast. No one else is here. They left on friday. No one else will be here until monday eve. I am alone with my art and my thoughts and whatever ghosts, stories or internet friends flit through. It's very peaceful actually and generally ( Read more... )

gentlemen aren't nice, nights like these

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wraithwitch October 24 2010, 12:04:33 UTC
*shrugs* I dunno, he probably just thought 'it's a shouty rock song about scars and self harm - give it to Corvid!' I don't think there was anything else to it, I doubt it was meant to be pokey, just how my somewhat self-deprecating brain took it.

*grins* leather choker with old keys hanging off it - instant steampunk! I think the problem is, I have an image in my head of a plain and shadowy girl with dark hair, wearing jeans, big boots and a worn tshirt. She looks somewhat tired and wry as if someone's told her a joke she doesn't find funny but she's trying to be polite about it. Her arms are covered in silver lines as if the moon graffiti'd ogham on her...

That's the sort of everyday me I think I look like, no matter what I'm really wearing or what I've done to my feathers nor whether I've eaten in the last week or not. I'm always inordinately surprised and pleased when I look in the mirror and find I look better, and twistingly disappointed when I find I look worse. In the same way, when I see photos in which my arms are a barely-healed mess I'm shocked at how they look 'cos I didn't notice at the time. So... the photo and I are probably not as awful as all that, they were just jarringly different to my memory of the event and my peculiar self-image-archetype.

My neurons are very amused by the idea of civility to the self. They're running round either being pompously polite to one another or childishly horrible - and giggling. It is good advice though. I will try to remember it.

BUTTON BOX! My mother had a button box and I used to love running my fingers through all the buttons when I was little. I found it again when I was clearing stuff at the Oast. I've been using some of the big antique carved mother-of-pearl ones as pendants on necklaces. Fancy buttons are very shiny things - and waistcoats should always have good buttons =)

oh - heeee - I like your icon =)


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