Kerrist, no wonder I don't have a boyfriend.

Oct 23, 2010 23:53

"This one had it comming
This one found a vein
This one was an accident, but never gave me pain..."I am at the Oast. No one else is here. They left on friday. No one else will be here until monday eve. I am alone with my art and my thoughts and whatever ghosts, stories or internet friends flit through. It's very peaceful actually and generally ( Read more... )

gentlemen aren't nice, nights like these

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Comments 18

halfangel October 24 2010, 00:51:00 UTC
"A one-way ticket's in my hand
Headed for the chosen land
My troubles will all turn to sand
When I get to the border"

Look, I'm not going to speak at length here, it's not particularly appropriate.

I will, however, say, that speaking now as from a slightly less subjective point of view (who am I kidding), that you're still as gorgeous and beautiful as the first day I saw you.

At the risk of looking a littl like a fool, I told you once that I wanted to kiss every scar on your body. I said this not because I thought they made you ugly, but because (much as it shook me at the time) I realised that they were a part of you. And any part of you, I found beautiful.

And while this isn't the song that makes me think of you most, it is most definitly one.

Um... So there.

"Salty girl with yellow hair
Waiting in that rocking chair
And if I'm weary I won't care
When I get to the border"



wraithwitch October 24 2010, 09:50:18 UTC
Sawbones standing at the door
waiting 'til I hit the floor...

I'm used to my scars - they've been there a long time and these days I don't pay them a lot of mind, especially when they're silver. But just very occasionally, especially if I've fresh scars on me, I see a picture or catch sight of me in the mirror and see me how the rest of the world does. And it's not that great. It's a nasty little surprise more than anything. *sigh* If I manage to leave myself alone long enough for them all to turn silver then they won't bother me.

He won't find me any more
when I get to the border...


(The comment has been removed)

wraithwitch October 24 2010, 10:12:44 UTC
You all looked young and cute and sexy, even the guy with the shockingly realistic oozing sore makeup. OK, maybe not him...


No, I don't think scars make people ugly, especially when they've faded down and become all silvery - I think then they can often look quite interesting (if they're noticed at all). It's... I don't know. I think that photo showed me how strangers probably see me, a crooked sort of girl with her arms in a livid mess. Somewhat unpretty, somewhat unhinged.

Bah, I don't think I'm explaining well. Never mind. Heh - I'd forgotten the hallowe'en bit and the fact lots of people will probably be dressed as zombies. *smiles*
maybe this time the photo will be better? =)


gothicfreakgrrl October 24 2010, 01:53:45 UTC
Oast is, if I'm not much mistaken, nearby to Sparta, which is round the corner from Addiscombe tram stop. On nights like this you need to come partake in whisky and randomness. xxx


wraithwitch October 24 2010, 09:30:06 UTC
*smiles* the flat in Shamblyland is close to all that, but the Oast is my parent's place in Sussex and requires a car to get anywhere even as interesting as a Budgens!
But as I'm getting through all my jewellery chores and will have a necklace for you soon, there shall be visitations and whiskey and random =) x


gothicfreakgrrl October 24 2010, 13:40:20 UTC
Ah, I see. This pleases me muchly. Whiskey and randomness for the win :) xx


spacedmonkey October 24 2010, 06:06:09 UTC
"I found this and thought of you" are some of the most terrifying words in the English language because they're often follow by the thought - "Jeeze, that's what you think?".

I rarely like a photo being taken of me and work long and hard to avoid it (unlesswearing a silly hat or having been interestingly injured).


wraithwitch October 24 2010, 09:43:42 UTC
Heh, it is a bloody terrifying phrase. I remember one year my elder sister was really pleased with herself over my christmas present and kept saying things like 'when I saw it i knew it was just your thing!' and so on. I foolishly hoped it was a camera tripod, as the one I had was incurably rickety. The box was the right shape - things looked optimistic... Turned out to be a very large, slightly ugly velvet covered candlestick holder. (velvet covered - really - whf?) And I thought, 'oh dear...'

I loathe other people taking photos of me and have to be in a very good mood indeed not to swear and run away when someone brandishes a camera. My photoshoots on the other hand are fine as it's me, messing about foolishly, wasting a gig of film and coming up with three nice shots at the end of it and destroying the 99 awful ones got on the way =P


spacedmonkey October 24 2010, 17:16:39 UTC
oh my god.

i remember that candlestick.

it ended up with tom. and tom.



wraithwitch October 24 2010, 17:33:53 UTC
heehee - the horror =)

did Tom ritualistically burn it? wouldn't blame him if he did...



_grimtales_ October 24 2010, 07:13:59 UTC
I rather suspect you aren't looking for reassurance and pretty words (that turn to bitter wax in your ears). So I shall simply give you a contemptuous 'PAH!' and smack you across your pretty face with a glove.


wraithwitch October 24 2010, 10:14:42 UTC
*laughs* isn't that a challenge to a duel?


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