Brief thoughts in busy times.

Oct 05, 2010 14:23

I was watching a highly irritating Disney cartoon at 2 in the morning, waiting to pass out. One of the main lessons it was trying to teach was that there's a vast difference between what you WANT and what you NEED in your life ( Read more... )


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Comments 16

anonymous October 5 2010, 13:48:04 UTC

I think you need tea. And an adventure. Possibly both at the same time.


wraithwitch October 5 2010, 15:35:32 UTC
It's true, tea is a constant necessity in my life. Some days the world is incapable of containing enough tea.

Having tea on an adventure might involve a thermos flask, and they always make tea taste a bit odd. However, I rather like the idea of an adventure that *ended* with tea...


anonymous October 5 2010, 14:19:06 UTC
A really good, interesting, well-compensated job.


wraithwitch October 5 2010, 15:43:08 UTC
Possibly true, although even better would be House of Reconcile / agent type person who took all the weird stuff I make and sold it to poncey shops for heaps of money (and a 10% cut).

That would make my world a lot better I think.

Erm. Or at least there'd be a bit more money in it and a bit less stress, which from where I stand is pretty much the same thing...


anonymous October 5 2010, 14:44:53 UTC
a ready supply of chilled vodka or amber whisky. with a side order of disturbing japanese sweets.

an income of questionable repute but undoubted artistic merit

the ability to freeze frame and teleport

to set up a salon with stephen fry


wraithwitch October 5 2010, 15:47:16 UTC
to set up a salon with stephen fry - ha! where did that come from?

Still. They all sound shiny to me =)


anonymous October 6 2010, 15:54:00 UTC
aaaand some of that ridiculously good sticky toffee pudding.


wraithwitch October 6 2010, 16:31:37 UTC

love you xxx


halfangel October 5 2010, 15:06:47 UTC
I can't be bothered with posting anonymously, I'm afraid, dear.

I think you need a job you can tolerate, and that doesn't drive your head repeatedly into the wall. That or perhaps you just need to stop driving your head repeatedly into a wall, and get a job that you can almost tolerate.

Eh. There's a whole thing.



wraithwitch October 5 2010, 15:50:16 UTC
Alas, I know of no such job.
As for the other bit of it, well, I'm working at it but it's something of a long-term project...


halfangel October 5 2010, 15:51:10 UTC
Never said easy, my dearest. Just said needed.



anonymous October 5 2010, 15:54:24 UTC
Good vodka, interesting swords, ivory handled pistols, a decent tricon hat (who doesn't need a tricorn hat?) and a door.


wraithwitch October 5 2010, 16:10:16 UTC
I concur.

Although in vague dispute is the tricorn hat, as I have a passable one. What I lack in that sort of department is a nice baldric (with a big fat buckle) to hang a blade on, and such a thing is currently at the top of my Foolish Desires list.

Whilst I'm quite certain I *do* in fact need a door, did you have any clue as to where it opened? Or was it a universal sort of a door?


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