"Hence the cocaine...

May 10, 2010 23:49

I cannot live without brain-work. What else is there to live for ( Read more... )

oast, gentlemen aren't nice

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Comments 14

blue_cat May 11 2010, 11:30:44 UTC
MEEKLE Wine!! o.0 THat is Fraking awsome....

My taste buds are salivating at the very description you have typed.

Sigh. You reasure me that life is not dull and a gentle grey and that there might well be such things as unicorns and there is hope, but hope is a candle that shines best when staring down the dark. I keep thinking about this, as someone who might be a version of you or a version of cinnamon or a version of Sandman's Death wanders in my dreams: The hardest thing to do is turn your back to the light and face the dark with your tiny light cupped in your hands so not to scare the darkling things that you wish to talk to, gentle and bring a little closer to hope. It involves a lot of walking ashen landscapes and wretched by-ways finding scraps of ... something.. to win over slowly drip by drip by drip. mmmmr, I want to make somesort of comment about how it scars you and hearts but not on LJ.

Damnit I now have scarey pic of cinnamon/death doing a Jesus of the Sacred Heart display.


wraithwitch May 11 2010, 12:41:24 UTC
Drinking the wine and trying to pen accurate descriptions as I went along was a lot of fun ( ... )


blue_cat May 11 2010, 12:58:07 UTC
And that is why dark angels are needed: the ones who's wings are shades of coal and web and dust stained by the walking in the dark ~ we need the silver white rainbow angels too, but the dark ones walk where the light won't, can't, and do not mind the dirt and scratches so very much.

Sometimes normality needs its nose rubbed in the underbelly of the world at the same time as it is forced to look upwards to the sparkly shiny stuff, and remember that they can be the same thing in different guises.
you help me do that.


bytepilot May 12 2010, 10:15:12 UTC
I am Enethiel, Angel of uncomfortable and inconvenient truths.

I carry the tools to take the back off the universe and clean the grit from its wheels.

That is why I can never wash the oil stains from my hands.


slavelabour May 11 2010, 14:40:17 UTC
Courtly Love is all well and good, but although frequently distressed I make a shit damsel =P

Well there's a perfectly good reason for enjoying your company! :D


wraithwitch May 11 2010, 17:01:47 UTC
Heehee - yeah, I think maybe the reason why I'm frequently distressed is the lack of problems I can just stab a sword in or buckle on a gun rig and shoot. I don't really want to be rescued, I just want to be able to kill whatever it is that's causing all the trouble.

(Dementia? The vorpal blade went snicker-snack: she left it dead and with it's head she went galumphing back... Prosaic blongey stupidity? The maidan smiles, one eyelid flickers, she whips a pistol from her nickers, she aims it at the creature's head and bang bang bang she shoots it dead...)

My neurons are convinced that would make life easier =)


bytepilot May 11 2010, 21:44:27 UTC
What shape do you want your quote ?

Square, pentagram, circle, spiraling in towards the center something else ?

Have layzor, can etch.


wraithwitch May 11 2010, 22:59:03 UTC

My idea has a complex and a simple version depending on how much of a pain it is to do and how much you can be bothered to engrave.

The complex one was something like this:
... )


bytepilot May 12 2010, 10:12:38 UTC
So, A challenge!

Actually the only really tricky bit is the signature at the end.

If you have a lovely high res piccy of that then I can make the rest out of (thinx) either glass or false glass, Ill see what works.
Smallest I can make it is somewhere around 2 inches across.
Largest is, well, far too large for a pendant.

Real glass would have to be edged in copper or leaded so that teh rngs could be attached (oddly enough drilling small holes in glass is an utter cow) false glass I can leave the edges as they are and bore holes in it.

Are the letters intended to be cut into the glass and filled with colour so they stand out, or lightly etched into the glass surface ?


wraithwitch May 12 2010, 10:38:31 UTC

By my reckoning anything less that 3 inches across at widest point is good for a pendant. Real glass for preference, false glass if that works out better. Ooh - pretty edging! I've been looking into how to make copper/lead edged pendants, so if you don't have the metal tape stuff and solder for edging them then I can get some and do it =)

I hadn't considered colouring the letters as I don't think I have anything that could neatly do it - although there's likely some clever artistic knack to this - any ideas? If colouring is possible this would be a shiny thing, but if it's fiddly as hell then light etching would be much better.

I shall work on a proper signature and send you a scan =)

*excited gleeful neurons*


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