"Hence the cocaine...

May 10, 2010 23:49

I cannot live without brain-work. What else is there to live for?
Stand at the window here. Was ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world? What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers, doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them? Crime is commonplace, existence is commonplace, and no qualities save those which are commonplace have any function upon earth."

Don't know why that was in my head other than I just caught Jeremy Brett over-acting gloriously in The Devil's Foot, Heard two words, knew it was him and my head snapped up causing my father to laugh at my predictability. I think I want a pendant with most of that quote on. Might be tricky. I could make one of those glass and lead pendants perhaps? Hm. Anyway.


At the weekend I was kitchen wench (assisted by the ever-lovely Tziganka) as my father held a wine tasting for a group of old friends.

Ten wines; the first had a Parker Score of 89 and the rest rose from there - the last three were 98, 99 and 100. For anyone who doesn't know why this is extraordinary, go look up 'Parker Score'.

Or to put it another way (and I'm closing my eyes as I type this) the first bottle would cost £76 at auction (double that at retail, treble at a restaurant should it be on the menu) the 4th £102, the 7th £475, the 9th £564, and the last £1495. (Don't throw a fit, they didn't cost that that twenty or thirty years ago when he bought them in cask, but still... yeah.)

Should anyone be curious... Latour Pauillac 1982 Colour - 'A' class garnet. Scent - a selection of fruit dipped in dark chocolate and placed on dew-decked morning earth with a vanilla flower laid beside and a farmyard next door. Taste - apricot, caramel, tawny ruffled velvet - tastes like the wine Dream gave to Hob Galding, hints of sunlight and leather armour.

That's probably not an experience I'll have again.


I'm often distracted and either busy or depressed and so too wrapped in my own foolish life. Because of this, I'm mostly useless at paying attention to other people if they're not in front of me. I mean to do meekle things for them - I have a long list of unfinished good deeds. But like I say, I'm a bit shit. So it always not only pleases me but frankly surprises the hell out of me when people do meekle things for no other reason than they thought of me. Thank you =)


I'm stuck here for the foreseeable. I've run out of jackets and half the artwork I'm meant to be doing is in London. Fuck. Also I think I have parcels in need of collection before they're sent back. *sigh* Being Oast-marooned when not expecting it is somewhat inconvenient. I also need to find next month's rent. Arse.


WTF? Oh. Oh hell. I'm sure most girls would love to have a knight errant pining after them. I'm not so sure myself. I'm flattered, but I'm also frankly terrified because I can't imagine for a second that I can live up to the poetic ideal that must be swanning round his head. Therefore running away seems the far safer option. Courtly Love is all well and good, but although frequently distressed I make a shit damsel =P

My life is very odd sometimes.

oast, gentlemen aren't nice

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