My Day So Far (in verse...) II

Nov 25, 2005 13:59

There's opium in the tangerine ( Read more... )

burning toast, bookshop

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Comments 7

stealthracer November 25 2005, 15:10:51 UTC
Feh bad. :-(


sea_cucumber November 25 2005, 15:41:13 UTC
I think wrapping up warm with a cup of tea would be a good plan :)


wraithwitch November 25 2005, 18:10:58 UTC
I had a conversation with the bookshop man I work with about what woulld be my ideal winter coat (for when it gets so bastard cold that a leather just doesn't work.)
It was a fitted swish full length coat with a hood and fur (fake but good quality) at the cuffs and hood. Probably in darkest green with silver trim, or blood-red with black.
Unfortunately to my knowledge such a coat does not exist and I do not have the money to buy material to try to make it =(
But I did have tea at lunchtime, so I guess all is not lost...


the verse just got worse blue_cat November 25 2005, 16:29:42 UTC
Citrus may be sweet or it may be sour, how would you check the opium's power?
Hope the keys returned to the boy, and that while at other houses he did not tread on a toy.
Moscow in winter is a place I've been, That I returned intact is doubtless a win.
Tho I required actual warmpth to preserve my body, that or needing a really hot toddy.
A wish for a fish, why I ask? Better a person who's smell will not last,
while doggeral or poetry is a matter of taste, and a debate that could keep us really quite late.
Last but not least, the fact that I post this riposte
demonstrates to the Raven that she is more entertaining than most.


Re: the verse just got worse wraithwitch November 25 2005, 18:12:13 UTC
yey for more doggeral!
i think you deserve a prize...
um... no idea what though.
what would you like?


Re: the verse just got worse blue_cat November 29 2005, 08:20:09 UTC
Your appreciation is enough *Grin*

Its not often I get inspried to play like that.


darklittlefox November 28 2005, 01:22:21 UTC
Jenny can't do snow - but Raven-Beans can draw good. Love the picture, thanks.


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