BESM - and other things that sound like something else.

Mar 09, 2005 09:09

Now my shiney Ascended Neuron is up and running I have been able to download things from Limewire. Top of the list has been 'Wolf's Rain', since I've been meaning to see that anime for a while. The verdict is, it's good, but odd - and very tragically doom-laden. I have a feeling half the cast or more will die before we reach the final episode ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

stealthracer March 9 2005, 11:34:39 UTC
Ah, yes. I've had a copy of Wolf's Rain for a while, just haven't gotten around to seeing it so far... Doom-laden, huh?

Wish I had a chance to do more gaming, but working so bloody far away makes it impractical - at least while my car count is dangerously low. :-(

I take it you no longer need an emergency keyboard.


wraithwitch March 9 2005, 13:55:40 UTC
no, thank you, I have a new computer and new keyboard to go with it (until I haywire that one I guess =P )


stealthracer March 9 2005, 14:45:11 UTC
Ooo, shiny! What did you get? :-)


wraithwitch March 9 2005, 18:18:07 UTC
a new eMac with a cd-write / dvd-read drive and lots of memory =)


anysbryd March 9 2005, 15:13:17 UTC
Ok i made some mistakes im willing to admit this, see me admit my mistakes, i have some new information we shall try BESM again on the weekend, i have the system figured now, (i think)


wraithwitch March 9 2005, 18:19:09 UTC
*looks bemused* do i usually harang you for not admitting your mistakes?

ah, crispy =)


reindeerflotila March 9 2005, 15:23:47 UTC
besm works on d6's as i recall.


wraithwitch March 9 2005, 18:20:50 UTC
thank you! =)


reindeerflotila March 9 2005, 23:33:15 UTC
it is however one of those systems that oif you start getting near ten iin any skill category, the attributes i mean, it becomes incumbent upon the gm to fiddle rules so the party don't insta-doom anything that you throw at tthem.


reindeerflotila March 9 2005, 23:35:42 UTC
for instance the damage increasing abilities are sick techincally my pansy SLayers anime based shaman can punch for as much damage as well, a small hand gun, or small fireball lol, the rules are often abit poorly thought out, there is a lot of onine support and stuff you can d laod though.

i still intend to run a superpowered game using besm as its funky and gives versatility to create things like i dunno, mech driving super bunnies with telekinetic powers and a hand cannon cpapable of melting through ten feet of steel.

* grin *


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