BESM - and other things that sound like something else.

Mar 09, 2005 09:09

Now my shiney Ascended Neuron is up and running I have been able to download things from Limewire. Top of the list has been 'Wolf's Rain', since I've been meaning to see that anime for a while. The verdict is, it's good, but odd - and very tragically doom-laden. I have a feeling half the cast or more will die before we reach the final episode.

In part the anime has lead to a trial run of BESM (Big Eyes Small Mouth) where players must stat up their inner Keecher/Monster/Entity/Insanity and battle against a world filled with Blanks, Peoples and Uber-Peoples in the hope of kicking the universe keecher-wards once more. The idea is sound, but the system needs hitting with sticks. Anyone have any idea what dice are meant to fuel BESM? The most workable one seems to be a d12, but even that's kinda odd. There will be further pokkings and then there will be the possibility of a game run either in Hatfield or Richmond ST'd by whoever I can get to ST it (probably Anysbryd).

I have work today and all I want to do is sleep. I sure as hell don't want to stand around for eight hours in a room whose temperature reaches the giddy heights of 6degrees. Sigh. But I must feed my barclay card and stop bitching.


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