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    throughthehaze_ wrote in worldresolution Dec 04, 2006 22:44

    Oh man, now that Sydney's saved...

    I have to go back to school D:

    probably have to repeat my grade... oh god i hope i don't get Harris D:

    and I should find my parents. Yeah. That would probably be good too. Um.

    I should go finish FF8 now. Or something.
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  • LETTER; So this is how it all goes down; MICHELE to JENN

    angelicbypass wrote in worldresolution Dec 03, 2006 11:40

    The night following the Seal House incident, a letter arrived being carried by one of the doctors from the hospital.

    In the end, that was my final wish. )
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    vindicatedead wrote in worldresolution Dec 03, 2006 00:12



    I know you're still there.

    Time to wake up, because we've got work to do.
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    chanceyouseize wrote in worldresolution Dec 03, 2006 19:07

    ...kinda weird to think that's it.

    Jen )
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  • LOG; i'm going to kiss you now; MONTY/JESS

    chanceyouseize wrote in worldresolution Dec 03, 2006 18:54

    Shortly after Dwayne and Monty's Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, took a couple days to get done because we're busy people lol.

    did you just shoot at me? )
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  • (Untitled)

    onmyoudou wrote in worldresolution Dec 03, 2006 01:54

    I wonder if it ends if not everything is destroyed by the end of the year.
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