LETTER; So this is how it all goes down; MICHELE to JENN

Dec 03, 2006 11:40

The night following the Seal House incident, a letter arrived being carried by one of the doctors from the hospital.

Another doctor had showed up at the door to Jennifer Reid’s house the evening after the Seal House incident. He looked quite puzzled as he slid the envelope into her hand, explaining that he was told to bring this to her if Michele hadn’t shown up at work that day, and wondered what it might mean to her. Without getting quite the satisfying answer that he was looking for, the young doctor rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous laugh and made his way home.

The letter itself was in a manila envelope, making it look like it was some sort of medical file. Sadly, when it was exposed it was quite different. A note slid from the package, alongside a few other things which weren’t immediately important. No, it was the letter that was most important.

My dear Jennifer,

If you are reading this letter, it means that I died last night. I told you that I wouldn’t be the one to go, but at the same time we both knew that was a lie didn’t we? Let me explain to you what happened in hopes that you can understand.

Dwayne wants us to attack the Seal’s house, to blow it up. Anyone who doesn’t do their job will be killed by him, so I don’t have too much of a choice. Remember when the Army base was raided a month ago, and all the weapons and ammunition came up missing? I admit, that was my doing.

Don’t worry, I will keep Jess safe, just as I promised you, even if it costs my life.

I’m sorry to be doing this to you. Ironically, this is the same thing Vera did to me when Rome fell, and I cursed her for it. I did nothing but blame her for making the hurt last longer than it needed to. I suppose that we’re still sentimental people in the end, aren’t we?

Included in this envelope are plane tickets for you and Jess to go anywhere in the world that you wish to go. Just take them to the airport and tell them where you want to go, and it will be charged to my credit card. Please, go far from here, far from the destruction and the death and killing, somewhere that you can be happy.

In the end, that was my final wish. Please, just be happy, because if you’re not, then everything in the past few months was in vain.

I love you,
Michele Ermanno

Pictures. It was pictures that had fallen out of the envelope, taken at one of those camera booths when they were wandering down the beach acting like little kids. In the airline envelope was his credit card alongside the airline tickets. Everything he truly had to be remembered by was in this 9x12 envelope.

Everything but her memories.
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